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SemaDB Firebase Firestore Vector Search

SemaDB Firebase extension is a thin wrapper around the public SemaDB API. It attempts to:

  • Sync documents in Firestore with a valid vector to SemaDB. It only stores the document ID and the vector without sending other document data.
  • Provides a callable function to perform vector search within a Firebase application.

It doesn't backfill to avoid potentially high costs and starts indexing updated or newly created documents after the extension is installed.

Please refer to for more information on how to install and use the extension.


Thank you for considering to contribute! This repo is hopefully structured in an easy-to-understand manner and you can get started quickly.


  1. Create an issue to track the contribution.
  2. Follow the fork and pull request approach.
  3. Add documentation, ideally tests and npm run lint.
  4. Be respectful of others 🚀

Thanks again!

Getting started

Most of the action happens inside the functions folder. We start by installing the dependencies:

cd functions && npm install

and then running the emulators, please install firebase tools if it is not already installed:

cd integration-tests && firebase emulators:start --project=demo-test

You can now navigate to the emulator UI to see the emulators running.

Repo structure

The structure is mostly dictated by the firebase tool that generates the skeleton. The files you are interested in are:

  • extension.yaml is the declaration of the extension, parameters and functions.
  • semadb.js where all the work happens.
  • integration-test.spec.js contains the test cases.

Manual live testing

If you edit firestore-semadb-search.secret.local with your actual SemaDB API key, running the emulators will make requests to the public live instance.

  1. Create a collection on the public API using the interactive playground named mycollection.
  2. In the Firestore emulator, create a collection called mycollection and a document with a vector field with 2 numbers. Here 2 is the default vector size in the public API, it should match the SemaDB collection vector size.
  3. After you save the document, it should have a point ID which is a successful indexing of the document.
  4. You can verify that the SemaDB collection has points by getting the collection (GetCollection endpoint) and searching for points (SearchPoint endpoint) in the interactive playground.
  5. Finally, you can make a local search request by using the command in the tasks.json file.

Automated testing

From the functions folder you can run:

npm run test

which runs the tests.

Help needed

We are open to all contributions but here are some ideas to get started:

  • More tests for syncing documents. We are looking for when the extension is making requests to SemaDB using the mock adapter.
  • Documentation for end users. The documentation is lacking examples for users such as how to use the search function in an application
  • Live working example of the extension. If anyone has a public repo using the extension, it would be nice to give reference and credit.


SemaDB Firebase Vector Search







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