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Neologism 2.0

Neologism 2.0 is an open-source tool for quick vocabulary creation through domain experts. Its guided vocabulary creation and its collaborative graph editor enable the quick creation of proper vocabularies, even for non-experts, and dramatically reduces the time and effort to draft vocabularies collaboratively. An RDF export allows quick bootstrapping of any other Semantic Web tool.

Usage (Live Demo)

We provide a live demo version of Neologism 2.0, which can be used as a guest without registration. If our live demo is unavailable, you could also try Onto4ALL. Additionally, this short video shows the vocabulary creation and exporting process, including subsequent editing in WebProtégé.


The dashboard shows all created vocabularies and allows creating, editing, deleting, and exporting vocabularies. Please note that the guest account can only create 10 vocabularies to reduce database load.


A graphical editor helps users creating vocabularies visually in an interactive mode. Note that all ontology URIs (identifiers) are automatically created for simplicity and user convenience.


Clicking on nodes (classes) allows creating properties between classes.


An RDF (turtle) export allows quick bootstrapping of any other Semantic Web tool. We suggest using Neologism 2.0 for creating early vocabulary drafts and importing its RDF export into Protégé for subsequent refinements by Semantic Web experts, which can finally yield fully-featured ontologies.

Architecture Overview

Neologism 2.0’s frontend communicates with a backend to persist information, and might interact with a recommender to improve the quality of drafted vocabularies.

neologism architecture

Getting Started

Deploy via Docker Image Run Instructions Local:

Default Ports to be used: 80, 3000

  1. Set the environnement vars METEOR_CLIENT_CONFIG_URL: {complete-server-url} in docker-compose-yml
  2. exec docker-compose up

To disable signup/register please update the var with forbidClientAccountCreation: true on the string METEOR_SETTINGS: '{ "storageLocation":"/etc/neologism/uploads/vocabularies","forbidClientAccountCreation" :"true" }' in docker-compose-yml

Local setup:

Installations required:

  • Meteor, Node. Otherwise tested versions can be found in below sections.
  • Install /Download nginx for CORS (Linux: sudo apt-get install nginx Arch: sudo pacman -S nginx Windows: (On Windows move the folder to C:)
  1. Clone the repository
  2. Create env.js file in app/src/assets/env.js. This sets the guest user credentials: Please paste the default configuration code:
(function(window) {
    window["env"] = window["env"] || {};
    // Environment variables
    window["env"]["guser"] = "[email protected]";
    window["env"]["gpass"] = "12345";
    window["env"]["gMaxlength"] = "2";
  1. Create a sites-enabled folder inside the nginx folder (Linux: /etc/nginx/sites-enabled).
  2. Put the file inside this folder.
  3. Install node modules using npm i in app and subfolder api
  4. Set ENV variable as shown in example.env file in the app root
  5. Run npm run meteor-client:bundle in the app folder
  6. Import guest user document generated using cmd node generateCredentials.js [email protected] 12345 in the utils folder using any mongodb interface
  7. Navigate to the app
  8. Run npm run api to start a local meteor server (running on http://localhost:3000/ with a connection to a local MongoDB at port 3001).
  9. Run npm run start for a dev server. Navigate to http://localhost:4200/. The app will automatically reload if you change any of the source files.
  10. Optional: If you need to run the recommender, install an AddOn for your browser to allow CORS, as configurations need to be done


  • Run curl -v -d @test-recommender-request.json http://localhost:8080/recommender/batchRecommender -H "Content-Type:application/json" and inspect the result.

DISCLAIMER: The steps above are valid to run in Ubuntu focal


Major Versions:

  • Angular 12.0.4
  • Meteor 2.2
  • Node 14.17.0


  • check if node version compatibility for front and api
  • run meteor npm -v or `meteor node -v
  • For slow run of meteor on windows turn on the profiler see link meteor/meteor#7253

Technical Workflow

After starting Neologism, navigate to localhost (or whatever server you are hosting it on), and follow the user interface.

MongoDB Schema

Class (classes)

   "isDataTypeVertex": "boolean"



Property (properties)

   "range":"class_id | xsdDataTypes",
   "type":"owl:ObjectProperty | owl:DatatypeProperty"

Vocabulary (vocabularies)




User (users)


How to cite

We are currently preparing a scientific paper for a peer-reviewed publication. Please refer to references.bib for BibTex references, which we will update continuously.