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andisthejackass edited this page Mar 14, 2012 · 4 revisions

This short tutorial assumes that you have some resources for testing. It is advised you try this with the resources provided in the Asylum sample. Note these are stored inside a 'Catalog' folder. We will discuss in detail what this means and their format later.

Creating a node is very simple:

cafeteria1 = Node("cafeteria1")

This line creates a node with textures contained in the file cafeteria1.tex, and returns a reference to the node named cafeteria1. Note the bundle name may be completely different than the identifier of the variable. You can also give a friendly name to the node like this:

cafeteria1 = Node("cafeteria1", "Door to Hallway B")

Linking nodes between them is also very easy. While you can always do this manually by creating spots with the SWITCH or CUSTOM tags, a handy method is provided called link:

cafeteria1:link({ N = cafeteria2 })

Which means the cafeteria1 node is now linked to the cafeteria2 node in the north direction. All eight cardinal directions are supported, as well as up and down: N, S, E, W, NE, NW, SE, SW, U, D

Note this will create links with predefined spots sizes and locations, which may be tweaked later.