sensenet ECM Services 7.0.2
New features
- Ultimate logout: we improved the logout feature by letting operators and client developers decide what should happen when the user logs out of the system: from now on it is possible to log out from all clients (meaning all devices and browsers). This will make the system even more secure as it will invalidate security tokens on all clients. This is related only to the JWT authentication mechanism, it does not affect the old webforms authentication chain.
To get started please follow the instructions in the Install sensenet ECM from NuGet article.
Upgrade from previous version
If you already have sensenet ECM installed and want an in-place upgrade instead of re-creating the database, please run the upgrade patch (you'll find it above in the Assets list) in your dev, test and live environments to be up to date. The patch is an SnAdmin package.
The patch above is a cumulative package that you may execute either on version 7.0.0 or 7.0.1. This means you do not have to upgrade to 7.0.1 before executing this one.
Note that after executing the patch, you will have to update your sensenet Services NuGet packages to the same version. Please check your connection strings (web.config and Tools\SnAdminRuntime.exe.config) after updating the packages, because nuget may change those values based on the package contents.