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Development Environment Setup

Ryan Vennell edited this page Mar 23, 2015 · 1 revision

Developing on Linux

  1. Clone this repository and navigate into the clone's directory.
  2. Run the command sudo ./setup/ to install all dependencies and setup cahoots.
  3. Run the command ./web/ to start the web interface/api.
  4. Visit http://localhost:8000/ to use the web interface.
  5. POST or GET against http://localhost:8000/api/ using the q parameter to retrieve JSON API responses.
  6. Run the command ./tests/ to execute unit/flake8/pylint tests.

Developing using another OS via Vagrant Box

  1. Install VirtualBox or VMWare + Vagrant VMWare Provider
  2. Install Vagrant
  3. Clone this repository and navigate into the clone's directory.
  4. Run the command vagrant up or vagrant up --provider vmware_workstation in the clone's root.
  5. Wait for provisioning to complete (will take several minutes).
  6. Run the command vagrant ssh to connect to your VM. (Alternative: Use PuTTY with host, port 2222 and username/password vagrant.)
  7. Run the command ./web/ to start the web interface/api.
  8. Visit http://localhost:8000/ to use the web interface.
  9. POST or GET against http://localhost:8000/api/ using the q parameter to retrieve JSON API responses.
  10. Run the command ./tests/ to execute unit/flake8/pylint tests.