Indoor Exploration with Micro-Aerial Vehicles for Reconnaissance Missions
IndExMAV is a project that allows low-cost MAVs to perform SLAM in real-scale environments. The system can be implemented over the following hardware platforms:
- Parrot Bebop Drone.
- AR Drone 2.0.
The system use information from the monocular camera and the IMU that are implemented in most of the commercial drones. For this reason, the system needs of a monocular VSLAM algorithm to run. Any algorithm could be implemented remapping the topics, but we have used:
ROS We have tested the system in Ubuntu 12.04 with ROS Hydro and in Ubuntu 14.04 with ROS Indigo.
Visual SLAM algorithm Any VSLAM method which brings the 6 DoF drone's position could be used. The system will recognice automatically LSD-SLAM and ORB-SLAM.
Eigen The project uses Eigen for the calculations.
Just go to your workspace project, type catkin_make and press enter on your keyboard.
- Set the desired path for your drone in pid_main_retardos.cpp.
- Launch your VSLAM algorithm.
- Launch the EKF node. rosrun EKF EKF
- Make your MAV to take off and launch the PID controller node. rosrun PID pid_main_retardos
Indoor SLAM for Micro Aerial Vehicles Control using Monocular Camera and Sensor Fusion, S. García, M. E. López, ICARSC'16 '16