Specially made for replit users who can't pay for ssh access. Works on any device as long as it runs windows, linux or mac.
- Installation of NodeJS (
- Any command that reads line from terminal or asks for input doesn't work.
- You can only send a command when the previous one had responded.
- Any command that crashes
on your server will disconnect the websocket.
This code would start a websocket on your port 3000
which can be connected to like this wss://<hostname>:3000
const { Server } = require('rootless-ssh');
const server = new Server({
// these are default values
welcomemsg: <advertisementText>, // if you don't want any welcome message, you have to explicitly set it to null.
port: 3000, // optional if server is not null
path: '/ssh',
auth: 'changeme' // unique token that needs to be in the `authorization` header when connecting to websocket as `Bearer <password>`,
server: <ExpressApp> /*or*/ <HttpServer>,
logging: {
input: false, // set to true to log commands
output: false // set to true to log command outputs
// to start the server
// to close the server
// to access the underlying websocket instance
const ws = server.ws();
Note: Make sure to change the auth
property as this can give an attacker access to your terminal. Even without root access, an attacker can do much damage to your system.
// for express
const http = require('http'),
express = require('express'),
{Server} = require('rootless-ssh'),
app = express(),
server = http.createServer(app),
ssh = new Server({},server); // you can put the options in {}
ssh.start(); // recommended to start ssh after starting the server
This code would connect to the websocket and you would be able to enter commands on your console.
const { Client } = require('rootless-ssh');
const client = new Client(url /* wss://<hostname>:<port> */,auth /* auth password */);
// to connect
// to disconnect
// additionally, you can send commands programmatically by using this
// to access the underlying websocket connection
const ws = client.ws()
Due to the technical limitations, we had to introduce some custom cli commands for certain works.
dirchange> : Works as a cd or chdir command. Same syntax.
disconnect> : Disconnects from the server.
Install this package as global
npm i rootless-ssh -g
Now from console, run
wssh "<host>" "<pass>"
npx wssh "<host>" "<pass>"
More commands will be introduced as we recieve requests.
While this package is being actively tested, please know that bugs may appear. If you come across a bug, report in the issues tab on our github.