This directory contains an incomplete Python website that is meant to be run on Google App Engine and communicate with Google Earth Engine and the Google Maps API.
- Install the Google App Engine Python SDK (is this the same as google-cloud-sdk?) and launch “ .”
- Call localhost:8080/getmap to get eeMapId and eeToken (is this the right port?)
- In the Javascript console, run: showEEMap(eeMapId, eeToken) => “EE Map Type:” + eeMapType
- Uncomment // map.overlayMapTypes.push(eeMapType); in script.js
Google apparently messed up the authentication certificates in (at least) App Engine Python SDK versions 1.9.40 (where urlfetch_cacerts.txt lacks any newer version of the cert) and 1.9.49 (where urlfetch_cacerts.txt contains the two expired versions and also the current version).
According to a message thread at, the fix is this:
wget -O /opt/google-cloud-sdk/platform/google_appengine/lib/cacerts/urlfetch_cacerts.txt
OpenSSL and pyCrypto are not available by default on Windows 10. These will need to be manually installed before launching