Implement your TableView with only 2 line of code! For feeding your UITableView you don't need cellForRowAt numberOfRowsInSections and other boilerplate code anymore! Please note that multiple sections, header and footer is not supported yet
Your tableView should match the below requirements otherwise MzTableView is not going to work for you :(
- Your tableView contains one type of cell
- Your tableView contains one section
Which 90% of tableView designs meet the requirements!
To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install
from the Example directory first.
MzTableView is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:
pod 'MzTableView'
You can easily find and run the demo app in example folder.
First, your cell should confirm to MzTableViewCell protocol:
public protocol MzTableViewCell: UITableViewCell {
associatedtype CellViewModel
func configureCellWith(_ item: CellViewModel)
CellViewModel is the cell's ViewModel for assigning data to cell's subviews, then configure your cell using configureCellWith
For Example we want to show list of stundets which each of our cells has one image and a title, so our CellViewModel looks like:
struct StudentCellViewModel {
var image: UIImage
var title: String
so your cell looks like:
extension ExampleTableViewCell: MzTableViewCell {
typealias CellViewModel = StudentCellViewModel
func configureCellWith(_ item: StudentCellViewModel) {
cellTitle.text = item.title
cellImage.image = item.image
then in your UIViewController you should create MzTableViewDataSource object:
public init(cellHeight: CGFloat?, tableView: UITableView, items: [T.CellViewModel] = [], animationType: AnimationType = .none
is the tableView cell height ( return 0 or nil for self sizing cells)tableView
is the ViewController's UITableView.items
is the initial items of your tableView ( you can put empty array then append to it later as shown below.)animationType
is an optional enum if you want animation for your cells (.none is default)
then assign the object to your tableView dataSource and delegate.
self.exampleTableView.dataSource = mzDataSource
self.exampleTableView.delegate = mzDataSource
for adding data to your tableView just use:
which items is the array of your cell's view model. ( CellViewModel )
No more reloadData, insertRows and ... . MzDataSource is handling all!
You can also remove items from your tableView using:
mZdataSource.removeItemFromTableView(row: rowToDelete)
Or you may refresh all of your tableView with new data:
for getting selected cell you can use didSelectRowAt
closure which is property of mZdataSource.
mZdataSource.didSelectRowAt = { [weak self] index in
You can also have nice animations too, just pass the animationType when you are creating the dataSource object with your desired duration. If you want use your custom animations just read the cell from:
mZdataSource.willDisplayCell = { [weak self] (index,cell) in
// animate your cell
If the usage guide wasn't useful,please run and look the example project.It will boost you 😇.
mohammadz74, [email protected]
MzTableView is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.