For now, lots of random pieces that I've been experimenting with. They'll eventually come together into the pipeline ... at this point, the segmentation is a simple pass-through, labeling all points within the bounding box as foreground.
This pipeline depends on the catkenized version of smach. To obtain that:
- cd ~/catkin_ws/src
- git clone executive_smach
- cd executive_smach
- git checkout groovy-devel
To run the current setup:
roscd shared_autonomy_launch/launch
roslaunch run_segmentation.launch
rosrun rviz rviz; set it up with:
- Fixed Frame /camera_link
- PointCloud2 /camera/depth_registered/points
- PointCloud2 /segmented_points
- InteractiveMarkers /im_gui/update
- in rviz:
- Be sure that the image axes are oriented correctly (interactive markers are offset from image markers by 5cm +z to facilitate clicking)
- drag corners of the interactive marker to enclose the object you want to segment
- right click on IM -> accept ROI
- look at proposed segmentation; right-click to label pixels as fg/bg; click "done labelling" to see resulting proposed segmentation
- repeat previous step until segmentation looks good; click "done labelling" w/o providing labels to continue to next step
- check that the points published on /segmented_points were all of the 3d points inside the bounding box
Module organization:
assemble_kinect -
- Listens to data coming from the kinect and packaging it up for segmentation tasks.
- I feel like somebody has got to have done this before - rgbd_assembler is pretty close, but I don't want to depend on the whole manipulation pipeline!
- Written in C++ b/c python doesn't appear to support approximate synchronization, although this looks promising:
grabcut3d_segmentation - c++ node that attempts to reimplement ben's code, but isolated from the GUI stuff
im_hmi - Python node that implements both the interactive marker server and an actionlib server that handles requests for obtaining a bounding box
shared_autonomy_msgs - isolating all of the messages we use for shared autonomy
- actions:
- BoundingBox - given an image, receives {minx, maxx, miny, maxy}
- EditPixel - given an image and a mask, returns list of (mislabeled) foreground and background pixels
- Segment - given RGB and D images, returns mask of object
- messages:
- Pixel - I couldn't find this anywhere else ... seems like it should exist?
- services:
- KinectAssembly - returns associated depth/rgb data
- actions:
- - standalone script that handles actionlib stuff for running segmentation but nothing else.
- (not yet finished!) - smach state machine that'll eventually have setup->segment->getGrasps->pickUp->drop. For now, it transitions states on human keyboard input, uses simple_robot_control to move torso/head/arms (commented out for testing on laptop), and the starts of an actionlib client for getting segmentations.
webtools (Not yet fully integrated!)
- im_gui.html - page to show interactive markers produced by im_hmi
- ros_testing.html - page to demonstrate subscribing/publishing to ros topics + creating html buttons/fields
- simple_robot_control.ipynb - examples of how to interact with all the simple_robot_control commands
- ImageServer.ipynb - probably a dead end, just playing with requesting images in python and rgbd_assembler
- testing_conversions.ipynb - looks at using the (at this point, absent) read_points method from sensor_msgs.point_cloud2 to look at and plot points in python. However, the float->RGB has not yet been implemented, so I probably can't use this one. Also plays with assemble messages, but I discovered that the rgb image is out of sync with the depth one, so I need a message filter that doesn't yet exist in python.