The simplest in-memory threadsafe cache you will find
//create cache with maximum 300 items and with expiration of 30 seconds
var cache = new MemCache<int, string>(3, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30));
//add to cache
_cache.Add(1, "foo");
//get from cache
var cachedItem = _cache.Get(1);
Item expiration date is renewed when it is retrieved from cache. Ex:
var cache = new MemCache<int, string>(300, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30));
_cache.Add(1, "foo"); //30s to expire
// 5s later
_cache.Get(1); //expire date set to 30s again
You can change that setting AutoRenew to false.
_cache.AutoRenew = renewAge;
_cache.Add(1, "foo"); //30s to expire
// 5s later
_cache.Get(1); //25s to expire
When the cache is full, the oldest item is removed. Ex:
var cache = new MemCache<int, string>(3, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30));
_cache.Add(1, "foo1");
_cache.Add(2, "foo2");
_cache.Add(3, "foo3");
_cache.Get(1); //expire date set to 30s again
_cache.Add(4, "foo4");
//foo2 is no longer available. The item foo1 was not removed because its expiration date was renewed