This folder contains the code attached to the MCP handbook. The book is written by Tom Verguts; he thanks Esther De Loof, Mehdi Senoussi, and Pieter Huycke for lots of coding inspiration.
The folders are organized according to chapter. The chapters line up with the MCP handbook.
We rely heavily on Python 3 incorporated in the Anaconda environment. The most recent scripts use TensorFlow 2 (TF2); I highly recommend TF2, rather than the earlier TF1. Several modules are required to run the scripts, but the most important softwares are:
- Python 3 (*v. 3.6)
- Anaconda 3 (*v. 4.10.3)
- TensorFlow 2 (*v. 2.4)
Note that we always work with Anaconda via virtual environments.
Our preferred editor is Spyder. You can use our own TensorFlow 2 environment by creating a new environment with the modelling_mac.yml or modelling_windows.yml files.
Tom Verguts * mail * web entry
Last edit: 31-07-2022