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A feature-rich admin toolkit for Unturned. Including Flight, Noclip, and Command Spying.


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An admin toolkit for Unturned including flight and Noclip.

Demo Video

Heres a very out-dated demo video. I'll get around to making a proper one eventually.


Command Description
AFly Toggles flight
AFlySpeed [Speed] Changes/resets fly speed
AFlyVSpeed [Speed] Changes/resets vertical fly speed
Noclip Toggles Noclip
CheckBedOwner Checks who has claimed the bed your looking at
DisableVehicleAccess [Player] Disables/Enables a player's ability to enter and use vehicles
ForceDismount [Player] Forcibly removes a player from their vehicle
GotoBed [Name/ID] Teleports you to another player's bed
Marker [Marker Name] Places a marker at your position
GotoMarker [Marker Name] Teleports you to a previously set marker
PointTool [Tool] Toggles/Changes your active PointTool (See Below)
MapJump Toggles Map/Marker jumping (teleport on new marker).
SalvageTime [Sec] Changes the amount of time required for you to salvage an object
CommandSpy Toggles global command spying.
CommandSpy [Players] Toggles command spying on a player.
SetFireMode [Mode] Force changes the fire mode of your gun (e.g., full auto grizzly).
UnlockFireModes Allows you to cycle through all fire modes using your change fire hotkey.
Attachment [Attachment Name/ID] Forcibly adds an attachment to your weapon.
Attachment [Magazine Name/ID] Forcibly gives your weapon any Magazine/Ammo Clip.
UnlimitedAmmo Enables/Disables unlimited ammo.
UnlimitedAmmo [Max Ammo override] Enables Unlimited Ammo, overriding your gun's max ammo.
Exec [Player] [Command/Message] Similar to /sudo, however the target player does not need permission to run the command.
ExecAll [Command/Message] Same as /Exec, but targets all players.
WipePlayerBuildings [Player/PlayerID] Wipes all structures/barricades placed by the target player.
WipePlayerBuildings [Player/PlayerID] [Structure/Barricade ID] Wipes all instances of the target structures/barricades placed by the target player.
Ascend [Distance] Teleports you up the specified distance.
Descend [Distance] Teleports you down the specified distance.
PlaceObject [Barricade/Structure Name/ID] Creates and places the specified barricade/structure where your standing.
ClearInventory Clears all items in your inventory


PointTools is a small toolkit includes tools that are triggered by punching/gestures. These tools will target where/what you are activly looking at.

Tool Description
Destroy Destroys what your currently looking at. Works on barricades, Structurs, and Vehicles.
Kill Kills the Player/Animal/Zombie you are looking at. Turns Players to gold.
Jump Teleports you to where your looking.
  • Left Punch - Finds the highest point near where you punched. e.g. punch at a flag pole, get TPed ontop of it.
  • Right Punch - Teleports you just inside of what your looking at, to allow you to clip through walls.
  • Point - Teleports you directly where your looking, but not inside of the object.
You can also punch up into the sky to teleport to the skybox, then punch down anywhere on the map. Allowing you to teleport anywhere, quickly, and with high accuracy.
Utility A kit of smaller tools
  • Explodes charges
  • Opens/Closes doors (Even if you don't own them)
  • Checks the owner of a bed (Same as /CheckBedOwner)
  • Opens storage (from any distance, even if you don't own them)
Tools are still to be added.
Repair Repairs Barricades, Structures, Vehicles, and Vehicle Tires.
CheckOwner Shows you the owner of Structures, barricades, and Locked Vehicles. Along with the player's group.

There are still more 'PointTools' to be added. This is not the final version.


Permission Description
ShimmysAdminTools.Flight Provides access to all the flight commands, incl. /Afly, /AflySpeed, and /AflyVSpeed
ShimmysAdminTools.Flight.MaxSpeed.X Sets the max fly speed, where X is the speed. Default is 1 (Walk/Run speed)
ShimmysAdminTools.Flight.MaxSpeed.Bypass Disables fly speed restriction (global limit still applies)
ShimmysAdminTools.Flight.MaxVSpeed.X Sets the max vertical fly speedd. Default is 1
ShimmysAdminTools.Flight.MaxVSpeed.Bypass Disables vertical fly speed restriction (global limit still applies)
ShimmysAdminTools.PointTool Provides access to /PointTool
ShimmysAdminTools.PointTool.all Grants all PointTool perms
ShimmysAdminTools.PointTool.Destroy Provides access to the Destroy tool
ShimmysAdminTools.PointTool.Jump Provides access to the Jump tool
ShimmysAdminTools.PointTool.Utility Provides access to the Utility tool
ShimmysAdminTools.PointTool.Kill Provides access to the Kill tool
ShimmysAdminTools.PointTool.CheckOwner Provides access to the CheckOwner tool
ShimmysAdminTools.PointTool.Repair Provides access to the Repair tool
ShimmysAdminTools.PointTool.DestroyOtherPlayersStuff Grants permission to destroy other player's vehicles/buildables with the Destoy Tool
The rest of the perms are to be granted via their respective command.


Command Spy

Command spy displays the commands of other players and admins. It's a useful tool to keep an eye on commands without needing console. An example of command spy in action:


You can download this plugin from the Releases page.


I maintain and develop this product for free and for everyone to use. If your feeling generous and want to support my open source work, you can donate/sponsor the project on my Ko-Fi Here. Even $3 goes a long way.


A feature-rich admin toolkit for Unturned. Including Flight, Noclip, and Command Spying.







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