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These scripts offer a wrapper for running a grid search using Weka classifiers.

While we could have used Java to do grid searches with Weka, our lab is primarily a Python lab. This pipeline also use the more powerful plotting functions available through the R package ROCR.

Requires the ROCR for R package and an existing Weka instalation.

  • For more information about the purpose behind grid searching, please visit this article on Wikipedia.
  • Please visit the fleshed out protocol on our lab website for more details on this pipeline.

Grid Search Pipeline

The pipeline involves.

  1. Using to create a file containing command lines for all possible parameter combinations specified for the grid search.
  2. Using - not included here - to run the command lines as jobs.
  3. Using to check for failed jobs, and rerunning as specific in 1. and 2. untill all jobs complete.
  4. Using to check the performance of all the parameter combinations.

Create a grid search parameter file.

The parameter file is used to define the data used in the grid search, the classifier you want to use, and the parameters you want to grid search through.

The parameter file should contain the following:

  1. A basic file name that will be used for all the output files. I like to use the same name as the parameter file to keep things consistent. This is formated as desc#basic_file_name in the parameter file.
  2. The full path to the Weka formater ARFF file. This is formated as arff#/full/path/to/file.arff in the parameter file. Note that this is optional, and you can include the ARFF file in the command line as described bellow.
    • This is for you convinience when you want to perform the same grid search on several ARFF files.
  3. The Weka command line which you want to perform the grid search with. Please see the example bellow.
    • You need to include:
      • Place holders for the grid search parameters using Python's %s string formating.
      • If you used the arff# option, then you will need to include [ARFF] in place of the ARFF file path in the command line.
  4. One line for each grid search parameter, with all possible values of this parameter listed out in space delimited format.
  5. A line to denote that all parameters are specified. This is coded as end# in the parameter file.

Here is a full example. It sets up an SVM grid search that adjusts parameters for the C constant and gamma of the RBF kernel.

command#java weka.classifiers.functions.SMO -t [ARFF] -c last -p 0 -C %s -B -K 2 -G %s
0.1 1 10 100
0.1 0.2 0.5 1.0

Note that the possible values for -C are in the first line after command# and the possible values for -G are in the second line. I will call this file parameter_file for the remainder of the protocol.

Create a file of command lines.

Use the following command: python parameter_file

It will output a file ending with .runcc, which you can use with (not in this repository) to run the command lines using the PBS scheduler. A .failed.runcc file will also be created. This script serves the dual purposes of creating commands and checking for failed jobs.

Check for failed jobs and rerun

After the first batch of jobs run, check them for errors using the same command as the previous step. python basic_file_name

Then, run any jobs in the .failed.runcc file using Do this untill .failed.runcc comes back empty.

Parse the outputs

Use the following command: python parameter_file

By default, the script calculates AUC-ROC.

Check the .summary.AUC file for your best performing model. I do this By sorting the the file by the second column using the Unix commands: sort -gk 2 paramter_file.summary.AUC | tail -n

Plot curves for the best model.

You can use script_plot_AUC_ROC.R to make PR and ROC curves.


Scripts needed to run weka






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