Use Hardhat or Foundry or any other framework to work with solidity contracts. Contract data is present in 'Contracts-data' folder. Adjust the neccessary details in Luck ( You can use the code present in commented lines instead of using chainlink part if you want to work locally on the chain ), insert a base string in Card Contract.
Download the necessary imported files in the contract (@chainlink/contracts , @openzeppelin/contracts, etc).
Note : All the tests in NormalTests.sol in 'test' folder may not work as the deploy script and other bits of codes were changed as the overall code was developed.
Use anvil
to run the local blockchain.
Then use forge script script/Deploy.sol --fork-url http://localhost:7545 --private-key <private-key> --broadcast
in another terminal to deploy the script to the localnet. You can use the addresses returned in nextjs part too ( for the front-end).
After deploying the contracts, set their addresses in index.js.
Use npm run dev
to run the app.