A fast and minimal screenshot tool that instantaneously uploads screenshots to imgur.com
Developed in C++ using the Winapi (win32) along with GDI/GDI+ for graphics and libcurl for uploading to imgur.
- Automatically uploads screenshot to imgur, opens in browser, and copies url to clipboard
- Small: Less than 500kb and very light on system resources
- No install required and no external dependancies
- Completely open source and images are never stored
CTRL-SHIFT-3 - Captures and uploads fullscreen screenshot to imgur, opens in browser, and copies url to clipboard
CTRL-SHIFT-4 - Same as above but allows you to take a screenshot of a selectable region on your screen
The latest binary can be found here
Note: In Windows 8/10 you might be prompted by Windows saying Screenur is an unrecognized app. I can't afford a code-signing certificate to remove this warning ($100+), so you will have to click "More Info" and then click "Run Anyway"
App icon made by freepik.com from flaticon.com is licensed by CC 3.0 BY