is a tool to check the responsiveness of websites without using an actual gadgets. bu.. but not for prod!.
What(s) new? ✨
Unlike version 1, in version 2 I still used Vue.js3 but with TypeScript, Vite, and TailwindCSS in replacement of Vuetify3.
The application size (gzipped) was reduced from154.82kb
minified as twice!.
- Vuejs3 => Vuejs3 TypeScript
- Vite
- Vuetify3 => TailwindCSS
- Can now output both global (https) and local (http) systems
- New user interface
- Minified and made faster using TailwindCSS ⚡
- Remade using vuejs with typescript
Roadmap v2.1.0 ⏳
- Output can be downloaded as png
- Users can create an account
- Users created an account can save their outputs via inventory
Full Changelog: v1.0.0-alpha...v2.0.0-Stable