, I'm Shubham Kaudewar!
- 💡 SDE Developer
- 🔭 I'm graduated from Chemical Engineering at IIT Bombay;
- ⏳ Learning & Experimenting with Python and Backend;
- 💬 I love connecting with different people so if you want any help, I'll be happy to meet you more! :) ;
- 🎯 Life Hack: "Explore 🔥 and Explode 💣 with knowledge";
- 📫 How to reach me: [email protected];
- ✍️ Trying out latest design trends as hobbies/side hustles.
- ☕ I belive, a perfect cup of coffee can be the ultimate solution for any stress.
- 📝 Resume
- 💻 Python | SQL | Java | C++
- 🛢 MySQL | NoSQL
- 🔧 PyCharm | Visual Studio code | Eclipse | Git
⭐️ From Shubham Kaudewar