C2 framework trying to be sneaky https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Everyday_carry#Grey_man_theory
- support multiple failover c2 mechanisms by leveraging a pluggable model.
- multiple randomly selected http channels
- multiple dns channels
- easily issue a migration to a new channel or deprecate/demote a channel
- time-based heirarchy of trust. (older agents/channels are more trust-worthy)
- payload keying and instruction targeting
- c2 channels selected by degree of interactivity and data directionality
- Long-haul servers for "aliveness"
- burnable interactive servers proxied by caddy?
- separate inbound and outbound traffic.
- Leverage well-known and trusted platforms (twitter, facebook, amazon, discord, etc.) for c2 issuance
- e2e pluggable encryption
- static aes keys
- random aes keys require all clients to use a brute-force decryption method. slow down analysis.
- 65536 possible aes keys.
We should separate the distribution and collection to help obfuscate the flow of information.
plaintext job
"comment_for_command":"command is hex-encoded",
plaintext job issued encrypted with 1337deadbeefRAND
where RAND
is four base16 chars
plaintext response from agent
encrypted response from implant
All comms should be encrypted. Most of these should support bidirectional communications.
There is an emphasis on http-based channels for ease of implementation but other mechanisms should be considered as well.
publicly shared/editable google docs/sheets/presentations
anonfile - https://anonfiles.com/
telegraph - https://telegra.ph/