Program arguments:
'Force class' 'Algorithm class' 'force parameters' 'particle list' 'trajectory output' 'energy output' 'number of iterations' 'length of timestep' (6 Strings, an integer and a double)
e.g "Gravity Verlet g.dat planets.dat energy.dat 10000 0.1"
Particle list input file may take two forms:
- Explicit constructor. Each line must contain a single particle with the format:
'label' 'mass' 'xPos' 'yPos' 'zPos' 'xVel' 'yVel' 'zVel' (String followed by 7 doubles)
- Default constructor. File must contain a single integer indicating the number of default particles to be created.
Force class must implement the following methods from Force interface:
public Vector computeForce(Particle a, Particle b);
public double potentialEnergy(Particle a, Particle b);
public void systemParameters(Scanner parameters);
public boolean boundaryConditions(Particle particle);
Algorithm class must implement the following methods from Algorithm interface:
public void updateSystem(Vector[] forces);