Open Source (OSS) Vizier is a Python-based interface for blackbox optimization and research, based on Google's original internal Vizier, one of the first hyperparameter tuning services designed to work at scale.
It consists of two main APIs:
- User API: Allows a user to setup a main Vizier Server, which can host blackbox optimization algorithms to serve multiple clients simultaneously in a fault-tolerant manner to tune their objective functions.
- Developer API: Defines abstractions and utilities for implementing new optimization algorithms for research and benchmarking.
The simplest way is to run the provided
. It installs the necessary dependencies, and builds the relevant protobuf libraries needed for the service.
An example of the entire server + client loop running locally can be found in vizier/service/
We also present the core components of the example below:
An example is provided at vizier/
. To start the Vizier service, the standard way via GRPC is to do the following on the host machine:
import grpc
import portpicker
# Setup Vizier Service and its data.
servicer = vizier_server.VizierService()
# Setup local networking.
port = portpicker.pick_unused_port()
address = f'localhost:{port}'
# Setup server.
server = grpc.server(futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=100))
vizier_service_pb2_grpc.add_VizierServiceServicer_to_server(self.servicer, self.server)
server.add_secure_port(address, grpc.local_server_credentials())
The user may interact with the service via the client interface. The user first needs to setup the search space, metrics, and algorithm, in the StudyConfig
from vizier.pyvizier import oss
study_config = oss.StudyConfig() # Search space, metrics, and algorithm.
root = study_config.search_space.select_root() # "Root" params must exist in every trial.
root.add_float('learning_rate', min=1e-4, max=1e-2, scale=oss.ScaleType.LOG)
root.add_int('num_layers', min=1, max=5)
study_config.metrics.add('accuracy', goal=oss.ObjectiveMetricGoal.MAXIMIZE, min=0.0, max=1.0)
study_config.algorithm = oss.Algorithm.RANDOM_SEARCH
Using the address
created above in the server section, we may now create the client (e.g. on a worker machine different from the server):
from vizier.service import vizier_client
client = vizier_client.create_or_load_study(
Note that the above can be called multiple times, one on each machine, to obtain client_2
, client_3
,..., all working on the same study, especially for tuning jobs which require multiple machines to parallelize the workload.
Each client may now send requests to the server and receive responses, for example:
client.list_trials() # List out trials for the corresponding study.
client.get_trial(trial_id='1') # Get the first trial.
The default usage is to tune a user defined blackbox objective _evaluate_trial()
, with an example shown below:
while suggestions := client.get_suggestions(count=1)
# Evaluate the suggestion(s) and report the results to Vizier.
for trial in suggestions:
metrics = _evaluate_trial(trial.parameters)
The Vizier service is designed to handle multiple concurrent clients all requesting suggestions and returning metrics.
Writing blackbox optimization algorithms requires implementing the Policy
interface as part of Vizier's Pythia service, with pseudocode shown below:
class MyPolicy(Policy):
def __init__(self, ...):
self.policy_supporter = PolicySupporter(...) # Used to obtain old trials.
def suggest(self, request: SuggestRequest) -> List[SuggestDecision]:
"""Suggests trials to be evaluated."""
suggestions = []
for _ in range(request.count):
old_trials = self.policy_supporter.GetTrials(...)
trial = make_new_trial(old_trials, request.study_config)
return suggestions
def early_stop(self, request: EarlyStopRequest) -> List[EarlyStopDecision]:
"""Selects trials to stop from the request."""
old_trials = self.policy_supporter.GetTrials(...)
trials_to_stop = determine_trials_to_stop(old_trials, request.trial_ids)
return [base.EarlyStopDecision(id) for id in trials_to_stop]
An example is given in vizier/pythia/policies/
If you found this code useful, please consider citing the technical report (TBA) as well as the original Vizier paper. Thanks!
author = {Xingyou Song and
Sagi Perel and
Chansoo Lee and
Greg Kochanski and
Daniel Golovin},
title = {Open Source Vizier: Distributed Infrastructure and API for Reliable and Flexible Blackbox Optimization},
year = {2022},
author = {Daniel Golovin and
Benjamin Solnik and
Subhodeep Moitra and
Greg Kochanski and
John Karro and
D. Sculley},
title = {Google Vizier: {A} Service for Black-Box Optimization},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 23rd {ACM} {SIGKDD} International Conference on
Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, Halifax, NS, Canada, August 13
- 17, 2017},
pages = {1487--1495},
publisher = {{ACM}},
year = {2017},
url = {},
doi = {10.1145/3097983.3098043},