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MQTT Sparkplug - subscribe

Use sp_sub to subscribe to MQTT Sparkplug topics. Inspired from mosquitto_sub

sp_sub --help

# subscribe to MQTT Sparkplug topics
sp_sub -h mqtt:// -p 1884 -t "spBv1.0/#"
sp_sub -h mqtt:// -t "spBv1.0/#"
sp_sub -h mqtt:// -t "spBv1.0/SparkplugDevices/+/JsonScada/#" -g -v


sp_sub -h mqtts:// -p 8883  -t "spBv1.0/#" -g -v --insecure
sp_sub -h mqtts:// -p 8883 -t "spBv1.0/#" --insecure

MQTT Sparkplug - publish

Use sp_pub to bundle MQTT Sparkplug metrics into an MQTT Sparkplug payload, and publish that payload.

sp_pub --help

# publish MQTT Sparkplug topics
sp_pub \
  -h mqtt:// \
  -p 1884 \
  -t "spBv1.0/GrandParis/NCMD/can-spBV1.0-gateway" \
  -m '[{"name": "Node Control/Rebirth", "type": "Boolean", "value": true}]'


# install tahu
git submodule update --init --recursive

docker build -t mqtt-sparkplug-clients .

then install, if you like:

echo "alias sp_sub='docker run --rm -it --init -v `pwd`:`pwd` -w `pwd` mqtt-sparkplug-clients sp_sub'" >> ~/.bash_aliases
echo "alias sp_pub='docker run --rm -it --init -v `pwd`:`pwd` -w `pwd` mqtt-sparkplug-clients sp_pub'" >> ~/.bash_aliases

develop / local run

# install and build tahu/sparkplug-payload for JS (TS and protobuf files need to be built)
git submodule update --init --recursive
cd ./tahu/javascript/core/sparkplug-payload
npm install
npm run build

# back to the root directory
cd ~/workspace/mqtt-sparkplug-clients
npm install
npm run sp_sub -- -h mqtt:// -p 1884 -t "spBv1.0/#"
npm run sp_sub -- -h mqtts:// -p 8883 -t "spBv1.0/#" -i client-id --cafile ./ssl/ -g -v

public MQTT broker

see the features the public test server has to offer at


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