This is the Opensearch Lucene backend for pySigma. It provides the package sigma.backends.opensearch
with the OpensearchLuceneBackend
It supports the following output formats:
- default: plain Opensearch queries in Lucene Syntax
- Hint: In Dashboard you have to switch from DQL to Lucene
- monitor_rule: JSON Structure to import Opensearch Alerting Rules
This backend is currently maintained by:
Since Lucene based queries are very identical to Elasticsearch Lucene queries, most of the code for this Backend comes from pySigma-backend-elasticsearch.
Opensearch specific changes and output formats are done in this backend (eg. Monitor Rules).
sigma convert \
-t opensearch \
-p ecs_windows \
-f monitor_rule \
from sigma.backends.opensearch import OpensearchLuceneBackend
from sigma.pipelines.sysmon import sysmon_pipeline
from import ecs_windows
from sigma.collection import SigmaCollection
from sigma.processing.resolver import ProcessingPipelineResolver
# Create our pipeline resolver
piperesolver = ProcessingPipelineResolver()
# Add wanted pipelines
# Create a single sorted and prioritzed pipeline
resolved_pipeline = piperesolver.resolve(piperesolver.pipelines)
# Instantiate backend, using our resolved pipeline
# and some backend parameter
backend = OpensearchLuceneBackend(resolved_pipeline, index_names=['logs-*-*', 'beats-*'], monitor_interval=10, monitor_interval_unit="MINUTES")
rules = SigmaCollection.from_yaml("""
title: Run Whoami Showing Privileges
id: 97a80ec7-0e2f-4d05-9ef4-65760e634f6b
status: experimental
description: Detects a whoami.exe executed with the /priv command line flag instructing the tool to show all current user privieleges. This is often used after a privilege escalation attempt.
author: Florian Roth
date: 2021/05/05
modified: 2022/05/13
- attack.privilege_escalation
- attack.discovery
- attack.t1033
category: process_creation
product: windows
- Image|endswith: '\whoami.exe'
- OriginalFileName: 'whoami.exe'
CommandLine|contains: '/priv'
condition: all of selection*
- Administrative activity (rare lookups on current privileges)
level: high
# Print converted rule in Lucene syntax
print("Lucene Result: \n" + "\n".join(backend.convert(rules)))
# Print converted rule ready for dsl syntax
print("DSL Result: \n" + json.dumps(backend.convert(rules, output_format="dsl_lucene")[0], indent=2))
# Generate a JSON structure to be imported as monitor rule
print("Monitor Rule Result: \n" + backend.convert(rules, output_format="monitor_rule"))
Lucene Result:\-Windows\-Sysmon\/Operational AND (event.code:1 AND ((process.executable:*\\whoami.exe OR AND process.command_line:*\/priv*))
DSL Result:
"query": {
"bool": {
"must": [
"query_string": {
"query": "\\-Windows\\-Sysmon\\/Operational AND (event.code:1 AND (\\-Windows\\-Sysmon\\/Operational AND (event.code:1 AND ((process.executable:*\\\\whoami.exe OR AND process.command_line:*\\/priv*))))",
"analyze_wildcard": true
Monitor Rule Result:
"type": "monitor",
"name": "SIGMA - Run Whoami Showing Privileges",
"description": "Detects a whoami.exe executed with the /priv command line flag instructing the tool to show all current user privieleges. This is often used after a privilege escalation attempt.",
"enabled": true,
"schedule": {
"period": {
"interval": 10,
"unit": "MINUTES"
"inputs": [
"search": {
"indices": [
"query": {
"size": 1,
"query": {
"bool": {
"must": [
"query_string": {
"query": "\\-Windows\\-Sysmon\\/Operational AND (event.code:1 AND (\\-Windows\\-Sysmon\\/Operational AND (event.code:1 AND (\\-Windows\\-Sysmon\\/Operational AND (event.code:1 AND ((process.executable:*\\\\whoami.exe OR AND process.command_line:*\\/priv*))))))",
"analyze_wildcard": true
"tags": [
"triggers": [
"name": "generated-trigger",
"severity": 2,
"condition": {
"script": {
"source": "ctx.results[0] > 0",
"lang": "painless"
"actions": []
"sigma_meta_data": {
"rule_id": "97a80ec7-0e2f-4d05-9ef4-65760e634f6b",
"threat": []
"references": [