Weight-Based Multiple Empirical Kernel Learning with Neighbor Discriminant Constraint for Heart Failure Mortality Predicrion
The code is developed under Matlab 2015b
For the specific use of each function, please see the comments for the function.
inputInf.C1 = 0.1;
inputInf.C2 = 0.1;
inputInf.p = 0.1;
inputInf.M = 3;
inputInf.kType = 'rbf';
inputInf.sizeTter = 100;
inputInf.termination = 1e-3;
inputInf.R = 0.99/*ones(inputInf.M, 1);
inputInf.B = 0.1/*ones(inputInf.M, 1);
[vec_res, t_train] = MultiKMHKS_Fuc_NDC(train, test, inputInf);
TPR = vec_res(1);
TNR = vec_res(2);
Acc = vec_res(3);
AA = vec_res(4);
GM = vec_res(5);
F1 = vec_res(6);
AUC = vec_res(7);