SMTP proxy used bind spamassassin with postfix for post-queue spam detection.
I've created this project because I wasn't satisfied with the current options available to interface postfix with spamd (spamassassin).
The majority seems to use amavis, which I find too complicated, and uses a different database for user settings than that used by plain spamassassin/spamd.
So I've assembled a very simple proxy, which accepts messages via SMTP (tipically on a loopback port), sends them to spamd via a nativa golang tcp client, and then forwards the result via SMTP, usually back to postfix.
The proxy is configured via command line, and has a very few options:
- the address:port couple used to listen for incoming SMTP connection
- the address:port couple of the waiting spamd process
- the address:port couple of the waiting mail process for reinjection
Usage of proxanne/proxanne:
-listen string
address:port to listen on (default "")
-smtpd string
SMTP address and port for reinjection (default "")
-spamd string
spamd address and port (default "")
Enable syslog logging
To build the proxy, copy/clone the repo in $GOLANG/src and then simply:
go build proxanne
I've included a .service file for systemd integration