Scripts and corpora for the paper: "Short texts with fewer authors. Revisiting the boundaries of stylometry", presented at DH2023 (Paper | Slides)
Analysis is performed by the script, which calls the three R scripts and allows for parallelization of the process (up to 7 cores).
- 01_evaluate_parallel_processing.R reads analysis features from the analysis_features.csv file and prepares instructions for parallel processing
- 02_text_length_analysis performs the analysis in parallel
- 03_conflate_results.R conflates the results and saves them to a single file
Analysis features are defined in the analysis_features.csv file. You can modify them to run different analyses:
- my_folder defines the folder containing the corpus to be processed (corpus files should have extension .txt, file naming should follow the Stylo convention: see available corpora for example)
- my_language defines the language of the corpus
- n_authors defines the numbers of authors on which to run the analysis (you should separate the numbers with a space)
- text dimensions defines the dimensions of texts on which to run the analysis (you should separate the numbers with a space)
- random_selection defines if texts are randomized (logical)
- MFW_series defines the number(s) of most frequent units (words or characters) on which to run tests (you should separate the numbers with a space)
- n_grams defines if analysis is based on character n_grams (T) or words (F)
- ngram_size defines the dimensions of character n-grams on which to run the analysis (you should separate the numbers with a space)
- distances defines the stylometric distances to be used (you should separate the names with a space)
- n_repetitions defines the number of repetitions for each configuration
- n_cores defines the number of cores for parallel processing (the script currently supports from two to six cores)
The folders 100_english_novels, 68_german_novels, ELTeC-fra, and ELTeC-ita contain the working corpora:
- Ciotti, F., Schöch, C. and Burnard, L. (2022). ELTeC-ita European Literary Text Collection (ELTeC) (accessed 31 October 2022).
- Computational Stylistics Group (2022a). 100 English Novels ver. 1.4 (accessed 31 October 2022).
- Computational Stylistics Group (2022b). 68 German Novels (accessed 31 October 2022).
- Schöch, C. and Burnard, L. (2021). French Novel Corpus (ELTeC-fra): April 2021 release Zenodo doi:10.5281/ZENODO.4662433. (accessed 31 October 2022).
The results_overview.csv file contains an overview of the results obtained so far.
The folder Results is prepared to contain further results.
Call the script via: bash analysis_features.csv
Required R libraries:
- tidyverse (1.3.2)
- stylo (0.7.4)
- stringr (1.4.1)
The bash script should run via command line on Unix-like systems.