A platform to creates and manages stocks
Run this command in the terminal
go run main.go
[x] Add Go modules [x] Define the models [x] Create a server [x] Create 4 handlers and a print naming what each handler does eg (create, delete, update, read) [ ] Set up middleware / validators [ ] Need a database, postgres? [ ] Database package ie package to use in accessing database [ ] Run database migrations [ ] Add helpers like linting, and configurations for variables [ ] Set up Docker [ ] Set up Grafana and prometheus [ ] Set up logger eg zerolog
Create the database locally:
make db
# you may also need to run `make docker-build` the first time
You can inspect the database by connecting manually using the psql tool, installation instructions. Use psql -U postgres -h localhost
to connect (after the database is running locally), then enter the local-dev password (which is dev). Inside psql, the command \dt
will show you a list of tables, and \d <table_name>
will describe a table.
postgres-# \d stock
Table "public.stock"
Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default
id | uuid | | not null |
amount_available | integer | | | 0
amount_sold | integer | | | 0
available | boolean | | | false
description | character(1) | | |
location | character(1) | | |
name | character(1) | | not null |
price | double precision | | |
"stock_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id)