If you are on mac OSX, read this readme first : Specific readme_macOS.md for Mac OSX
Php version : 5.4.X (minimum) MongoDB : 2.6.X (tested version - minimum) Mongo Driver : 1.4.5 (tested version - minimum)
##Installation ####Configure your php Verify your php configuration is right done lauching the command line
php --ini
The php.ini specified in the "Loaded Configuration File" option should be the right one. Check in this php.ini file the openssl extension is activated.
####must install a Php webserver Choose your favorite webserver (apache) or package (easyPhp, Wamp...) Edit the httpd.conf file and activate the line
LoadModule rewrite_module modules/mod_rewrite.so
- On Windows OS :
- Get the dll from here https://s3.amazonaws.com/drivers.mongodb.org/php/index.html
- Download the 1.4.5 mongo driver version (php_mongo-1.4.5.zip)
- Extract the zip file.
- The right version driver depends on the version of php you're running with. Saying 5.X is your php version, choose the file :
if (X<5)
- Important : if you'are running with a 64bits platform choose the file with 'x86_64' in it.
- Copy the dll file in your directory : %php_dir%/ext
- In the php.ini add (the name of the dll file depends on your php install version) :
for php 5.5
for php 5.3
- On Unix like OS :
- Same rules as windows but choose a .so driver instead of a dll one.
- Here's a good doc
- manuel d'installation officiel PHP
####install a mongo Database instance and admin tool
- Mongo installation
- Mongo administration-interfaces
- many of us use ROBOMONGO
- launch Mongo localy :
mongod --dbpath data/db
- inside your favorite mongo administration tool :
- create a database called pixelhumain
- create a user for the db : pixelhumain
- you can do this the simple mongo
- use pixelhumain
- db.addUser( "pixelhumain","pixelhumain" )
####Composer installation PixelHumain is set with composer in order to manage dependencies and libraries.
- Clone the repository in order to recover the files
- If you don't have it get the composer (https://getcomposer.org/)
- Create the file /ph/protected/config/dbconfig.php with your database name and URL.
$dbconfig = array(
'class' => 'mongoYii.EMongoClient',
'server' => 'mongodb://',
'db' => 'pixelhumain',
You can find an example of dbconfig in the file /ph/protected/config/dbconfig.example.php
- Create a new folder called "runtime" in the directory "path/to/pixelhumain/ph/protected/"
- Create a new folder called "assets" in the directory "path/to/pixelhumain/ph"
- Launch following commands to initiate the application : in cd path/to/pixelhumain/ph where you'll find composer.json
composer update
composer install
####Launch the application
Launch you http webserver
depending on how you webservers alias is configured here the alias is called ''ph'' and pointing to the folder you cloned test this url : http://localhost:8080/ph/index.php/test
All the first line should be green.
right now you can access the application like to remove the index.php you'll need to configure your http.conf like this
Alias "/ph" "pathToProjectFolder/pixelhumain/ph"
<Directory "pathToProjectFolder/pixelhumain/ph">
Options FollowSymLinks Indexes
AllowOverride none
Order deny,allow
Allow from
deny from all
<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
Options +FollowSymLinks
IndexIgnore */*
RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteCond $1 !^(index\.php|assets|robots\.txt)
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ /ph/index.php/$1 [L]
####Adding a Module
- at the same level of the /pixelhumain folder , create a folder called /modules
/doc ...
cd modules
git clone "any of the modules". Currently maintained modules are:
front end URL :
api URL :
if any there's any initData to be installed you'll see the prompt
sometimes you'll need to initData to install test Data sets
Change to the folder modules/communecter/data is run the following commands:
- mongoimport --db pixelhumain --collection cities cities.json --jsonArray;
- mongoimport --db pixelhumain --collection lists lists.json --jsonArray ;
####Understanding the structure and Yii Now you can follow urls to understand and dive into the code, which is a fairly standard and simple MVC ex :
- "communecter" is the module
- "person" is the controller file called PersonController.php
- "profile" is the action foun called actionProfile found in the above controller file
- page region : List all Counties with minimal descritption
- city page : List local actors(directory), local Places
- people page :
##Roadmap short term
- add a person/citizen
- add and Association, Company
- add a State entity (city, county...)
##Document before coding Make a good habit of writing a doc or a doc corrected before embarking in the code. This avoids a tedious task of writing a doc after hit.
##More info
contribute or Join the NGO on Hello Asso
##Version 0.002 L'homme qui déplace une montagne commence par déplacer les petites pierres.- Confucius Man who wants to move a mountain starts by moving pebbles