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Basic Projects of Frontend

Basic projects made with html css javascript...

html css and javascript fundamentals

When I learn fundamentals of frontend I make a lot of projects so I decide to put together each of them. At website I put some of them.

Javascript Projects

1- A realtime age calculator

  • Calculate your age and renew every second like a timer

2- Image search app

  • Fetch api from pixabay with search functions detailed
  • Styled with bootstrap and improved Css
  • Responsive design

3- Responsive image search App

  • Styled with bootstrap5 and improved css
  • Fetch api from pixabay
  • Detailed search functions
  • Simple pagination with javascript

4-Simple score Keeper

  • A counter and changable winner score
  • When reach to winner score buttons deactivated until reset

5- Checkout page javascript template

  • Checkout page example with javascript
  • Delete, increase, decrease functions
  • Automated calculate costs

6- Movie Seat App

  • Movie seat booking app
  • calculate cost according to selected seats and movie
  • dom selector based
  • Use Local storage to get selected seats later

7- Weather Api

  • Fetch weather data from
  • Encrypted apikey saved to local storage
  • Read response, get necessary items and manipulate data to show
  • Create custom errors

8- Library Register Books

  • Book registery project used local storage
  • Control new books from isbn number to prevent duplicate records
  • Styled scss

9- Calculator

  • Basic calculator with lots of control
  • Detailed mathematical functions
  • Control abnormal user inputs then eliminates them
  • pure Javascript

10- Guess number game

  • User guess a number to find a random number created by ui
  • ui alerts near, far, bigger or smaller than random number
  • A counter decrease for each guess and if user not find the number, finish game

11- Lottery Game

  • Create Random number list, without duplication with same length
  • Array methods, loops used

12- Responsive digital clock

  • Date dom element moves according to whole page movements

13 Search & Filter page

  • Search in data on key events
  • search by categories filter from data
  • show filtered data

14- Stopwatch

  • Change button reactions with toggle
  • setinterval functions

15- Todo App

  • Pure javascript functions
  • Add, delete, update, isDone functions

SASS & SCSS Projects

1- Sass Portfolio Page

  • Styled with SASS & SCSS
  • Responsive design

Html & CSS Projects

1- Responsive Website Template

  • Responsive design
  • Pure Html & Css
  • Grid system

2- Team members page

  • Used bootstrap 5 and some deep css
  • used dark mode switch

3- Flex responsive design landing page

  • Responsive design with flex
  • Pure Html & Css

4- Complex Grid design landing page

  • Grid design nested boxes

5- Parallax website

  • Used css parallax system

6- Checkout page template

  • Simple html form styled with css