Mathematics made by a Maki named Matthew.
L'essence des mathématiques, c'est la Liberté (!) - Georg Cantor
When I was a kid I wanted to be a Math teacher. Then a History teacher....but it demands more charisma than I though against students hahaha so now I am an Economist and a Data Scientist !
As many french kids I loved the Shadoks! Their wisdom is huge. In memoriam:
Dam i though i was the first to have the idea of such a name but Google shows me that...indeed Labruyere was write : And this website is of cool asf.
What is a Number ? A number is a mathematical object used to count, measure, and label.
Opérations Addition
En Français en effet! Je pense que le CAPES manque d'une part importante de pédagogie collective. Il faudrait que chaque enseignement rappele l'enseignement de l'autre. Cela tombe bien l'Enseignement NAtionnale a essayé.... le résultat est mitigé car les profs ne communiquent pas assez sur leurs cours.
[1] : Lemur catta
[1] 3 Brown 1 Blue is BASED.
[2] Yves Moka
[3] Myself
Oxford ENS Lyon !