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Releases: Sitrica/GlowingAPI


05 Jun 08:32
Choose a tag to compare

Added a cache lookup for what entities are glowing for whom.
Fixed stop glowing not working properly
Added a system that will update the entity back to glowing after it's metadata changes.

First release.

01 Oct 20:19
Choose a tag to compare

GlowingAPI v1.0.0

Requires ProtocolLib

An API for handling client side glowing effects.



Maven requires setting up profiles and defining the token else where


In your build.gradle add:

repositories {
	maven {
		url ''
		credentials {
			username = "Sitrica"
			password = project.findProperty("gpr.key") ?: System.getenv("GITHUB_PACKAGES_KEY")

dependencies {
	compile (group: 'com.sitrica', name: 'GlowingAPI', version: '1.0.0')

Getting a Github token:

1.) Go into your account settings on Github and create a personal token with the read:packages scope checked.
2.) Generate that key, and now go add a System Environment Variable named GITHUB_PACKAGES_KEY
3.) Restart computer or if using Chocolatey type refreshenv

Note: you can just directly put your token as the password, but we highly discourage that.

Example of usage:

public class ExamplePlugin extends JavaPlugin {

	private static ExamplePlugin instance;
	private GlowingAPI glowing;

	public void onEnable() {
		instance = this;
		glowing = new GlowingAPI(instance);

	public static ExamplePlugin getInstance() {
		return instance;

	public GlowingAPI getGlowingAPI() {
		return glowing;

ExamplePlugin instance = ExamplePlugin.getInstance();
GlowingAPI glowing = instance.getGlowingAPI();

glowing.setGlowing(entity, player);
glowing.stopGlowing(entity, player);

glowing.setTimedGlowing(5, TimeUnit.SECONDS, entity, player);