Javascript Library for accessing AEM Mobile's API.
This software is currently a work in progress and the API or functionality may change at any time without warning.
Run npm install aem-mobile-api --save
var AEMMobileAPI = require('aem-mobile-api');
var api = new AEMMobileAPI({
"device_id": "CHANGE_THIS",
"device_secret": "CHANGE_THIS",
"client_id": "CHANGE_THIS",
"client_secret": "CHANGE_THIS",
"publication_id": "CHANGE_THIS"
.then(function(data) {
api.credentials.access_token = data.access_token
return api.getArticle('AnExistingArticleId')
.then(function(article)) {
// do stuff with your article metadata!
Open the ./docs/index.html file in your browser for documentation.
In lieu of a formal styleguide, take care to maintain the existing coding style. Add unit tests for any new or changed functionality.
Changes to code should be paired with changes to documentation when necessary. Pull requests should include recompiled documentation. To recompile documentation, run npm run-script prepublish
(Nothing yet)