⛔Never push sensitive information such as client id's, secrets or keys into repositories including in the README file⛔
The Apprentice App provides apprentices a platform to track their apprenticeship progress and access support and guidance articles to aid them throughout their journey.
The Apprentice App is a Progressive Web App in ASP.NET Core wrapped in a native MAUI wrapper. To run this locally, users need to set up two databases - SFA.DAS.ApprenticeAccounts.Database and SFA.DAS.Courses.Database with dummy data. Users need to have these APIs running locally or in an azure tenant in parallel to this app:
- SFA-DAS-ApprenticeAccounts-Api
- SFA-DAS-Courses-Api
* A clone of this repository
* A code editor that supports .NET8
* SQL Server Management Studio
* Azure Table Explorer
* Azurite
AppSettings.Development.json file
"Logging": {
"LogLevel": {
"Default": "Information",
"Microsoft": "Warning",
"Microsoft.Hosting.Lifetime": "Information"
"AllowedHosts": "*",
"ConfigurationStorageConnectionString": "UseDevelopmentStorage=true",
"ConfigNames": "SFA.DAS.ApprenticeApp.Pwa",
"EnvironmentName": "LOCAL",
"Version": "1.0"
Azure Table Storage config
Row Key: SFA.DAS.ApprenticeApp.Pwa_1.0
Partition Key: LOCAL
"AzureAd": {
"tenant": "<tenantdetails>",
"identifier": "<identifierurl>"
"ResourceEnvironmentName": "LOCAL",
"StubAuth": "true",
"ApprenticeAppApimApi": {
"ApiBaseUrl": "https://localhost:5123/",
"ApiVersion": "1",
"SubscriptionKey": "key"
Users should have Azurite running in the background when launching this app locally
This App uses
* SFA-DAS-ApprenticeAccounts-Api
* SFA-DAS-Courses-Api
You will need to follow set up instructions for all of these repos in order to run the apprentice app locally
* Moq
* NUnit
* FluentAssertions
* None