A single service encompassing multiple stubs for use by Commitments and related projects written in node.js.
- MA Accounts API
- Get legal entities for account
- Get transfer connections for account
- Get transfer allowance for account
- MA Accounts API v2
- Get Users by Account
- Get Accounts by User
- Provider Account API
- Get Agreement endpoint
- Reservations Outer API
- Get TransferValidity
- Courses API
- All standards
- Get standard by id
- Location Api
- Search
- Locations endpoint
- Levy Transfer Matching inner api
- Get Pledge Application
- Provider relationships
- Get relationships by provider id
Running locally (requires node.js):
- Clone this repo locally
- Execute the
in the source folder
This command file in turns executes npm install
and then starts the application.
This stub api runs on localhost at port 3999.
Configure any applications so that they reference the stub, for example for accounts api:
BaseUrl: http://localhost:3999/accounts-api/api
Using UI stubs, eg. Reservations UI, requires that a certificate be installed so that the stub can run under HTTPS.
You will need to install Chocolatey if you do not already have it. To do this, run the following in a Powershell (as administrator) window:
@"%SystemRoot%\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe" -NoProfile -InputFormat None -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Command "[System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = 3072; iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString('https://community.chocolatey.org/install.ps1'))" && SET "PATH=%PATH%;%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\chocolatey\bin"
Chocolatey will allow you to install the mkcert utility, which simplifies certificate creation and installation. From a Powershell (as administrator) window:
choco install mkcert
You can now use mkcert to install the Root CA located in this repo at certs/rootCA/rootCA.pem
To do this, first add an environment variable called CAROOT
with a value equal to the rootCA folder in your local copy of the repo. For example, if you've cloned the repo to c:\code\sfa-commitments-stubs
, the value will be c:\code\sfa-commitments-stubs\certs\rootCA\
Verify the environment variable has been set correctly using the following Powershell command:
dir env:
You should see the correct path listed.
You can also verify that the mkcert utility has picked up this value by running the following Powershell command:
mkcert -CAROOT
This will display the same value.
Finally you can install the certificate with the following command:
mkcert -install
This will locate the Root CA and install it for you.
Now you can run the stubs and any UI elements, which run under port 4000 should display correctly, eg: https://localhost:4000/reservations-ui/10005077/reservations