- 80c2580 Merge pull request #207 from SkillsFundingAgency/DASD-8987-webjob-deploy-template
- 74ba5aa VirtualApplication conditional insertion
- 441c84c Add webjob deploy template
- f541b4d Merge pull request #206 from SkillsFundingAgency/DASD-8970-second-solution-of-dacpac-deployment-template
- 5d8ec4e Testing with succeeded function to run manual validation
- b95afed Testing with succeeded function to run dacpac dependency
- 8037e27 Testing with succeeded function to run manual validation
- d84da09 Updated README
- 81473ef Fixed typo
- 8ee00d5 Changed the manual validation check to be on PROD. Updated README
See More
- 921da1a Changed the manual validation check to be on PROD. Updated README
- 6c6757c dependsOn argument is passed in as a parameter to the dacpac template for waitForValidation task
- 813cc33 Testing if dependsOn for dacpac tasks can be an object parameter
- 502b67a Added a dependency and condtion on manaul validation task of dacpac deployment template
- 1bf9711 testing with deployment job type for sql dacpac template
- 8d125a5 added condition to manual validation task. moved dacpac deployment template to job template folder
- fb3ee34 Added download pipeline artifact task to sql dacpac template
- b0a0bb2 testing with dacpac task in a seperate job
- 5635eba testing without jobs in dacpac template
- c416851 testing without jobs in dacpac template
- fc36f3c testing without jobs in dacpac template
- 317a523 testing parameter injections into dacpac template
- 91dba90 testing parameter injections into dacpac template
- 980531b testing parameter injections into dacpac template
- b283b35 testing parameter injections into dacpac template
- 1da5aa5 seperated jobs for running validation and running dacpac task
- e84bd11 seperated jobs for running validation and running dacpac task
- f569cbd seperated jobs for running validation and running dacpac task
- 16033b2 seperated jobs for running validation and running dacpac task
- 8391b48 seperated jobs for running validation and running dacpac task
- bb9c1df seperated jobs for running validation and running dacpac task
- a8bcfc9 seperated jobs for running validation and running dacpac task
- 462661f seperated jobs for running validation and running dacpac task
- 06d21e9 seperated jobs for running validation and running dacpac task
- 3dcb436 seperated jobs for running validation and running dacpac task
- c14dd39 sql dacpac deploy contains manual validation
- 7996cb6 sql dacpac deploy contains manual validation
- 0cec6ef sql dacpac deploy contains manual validation
- e564afb sql dacpac deploy contains manual validation
- 04d8aa5 sql dacpac deploy contains manual validation
- c8a9da9 Removed additional template for SQL dacpac task
- 9d6194d Removed additional template for SQL dacpac task
- 8f7edaa removed default parameter value for AdditionalArguments in sql-dacpac-deploy,v2.yml
- 4dd6f0d removed default parameter value for AdditionalArguments in sql-dacpac-deploy,v2.yml
- 6642587 Testing without default parameter value
- 7dfd907 Testing without default parameter value
- c8c41b3 Added second SQL dacpac template, updated README with dacpac template information
- f16af18 removed EnableAdditionalArguments parameter reference
- a1f3d98 Added input for SqlAdditionalArguments
- 4c6ed41 removed repeated task in dacpac sql template
- a902710 trying if expression with one task for dacpac deployment
- 15cba19 Added sql dacpac task template
- 0fd3602 DTA - Added depends on Azure Defender before enabling vulnerabilty assessment (#205)
- dd98718 DASD-8188 - Add Vulnerability assessements to SQL Servers (#204)
This list of changes was auto generated.