Allow "none" as a message for "bring items" stage to disable the "Bring me xxx" message
Fixed wrong playername displayed when resetting player datas
Fixed exception in Particle Effect GUI
Fixed exception when having Eat/Dring stages
Fixed some issues with "Kill NPC" stage
Added some more metrics on integrations
Fixed particles that can be seen where they should not (across worlds)
Fixed issues with WorldGuard and global regions
Fixed "play time" stage showing negative progress with long time spans
Fixed issues with WorldGuard showing wrong world in editor
"Breed animals" stage now works with entities that lay eggs (turtles and frogs)
Fixed UnsupportedOperationException when dropping a custom item in the GUI
Fixed "done" button in "create command" GUI not being properly refreshed
Fixed locale files sometimes being completely reset in case of syntax errors
Fixed pool start message not being sent to the command sender
Added some methods in the API to manually change a player's running stage
Fixed "bring xxx items" wrongly numbered
Added support for 1.20.5 and 1.20.6
Fixed issues in /quests menu
Changed icons used in the right bar of the menu
Updated UltimateTimber integration to 3.0.0
Caught some errors when loading accounts
Updated a lot of translations
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