This program uses the MemProcFS library to:
- Load a memory image
- Extract key files from the virtual file system
- Save the files to a ZIP file
The files that will be included in the ZIP are defined in files_to_collect.txt
Run the following command to install the vmm.jar file to your local repository. Ensure the file path is correct based on your system setup.
mvn install:install-file -Dfile="%MEMPROCFS_HOME%\vmm.jar" -DgroupId=vmm -DartifactId=vmmjava -Dversion=5.12.5 -Dpackaging=jar
MEMPROCFS_HOME = Path to memprocfs. This is copied to the target directory as part of the build process.
mvn clean package
The example can be run locally using the following Maven goal:
mvn exec:java
mvn exec:java -Dexec.args="-i E:\test_data\memory_images\stuxnet.img -o -m %MEMPROCFS_HOME%"
or from the target\bin
memprocfs_packager.exe -i E:\test_data\memory_images\stuxnet.img -o