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Andrey Fedorov edited this page Feb 19, 2016 · 1 revision

This is the SliceTracker wiki.

Remaining TODOS

After functional:

  • ENH: cross plattform check
  • ENH: additional "cancel" button for QuickMode
  • ADD: write self-test function

Currently working on


  • ADD: Visualization modes in evaluation section √
  • ENH: Set icon paths relative √
  • ENH: Add Icons to cmake file √
  • ENH: Automatic check, if VolumeClipExtension is installed, and warn user if not √
  • initialize module.dependencies
  • -> user is not warned, module is simply not appearing
  • use module.path √
  • test data in a pre-defined location; include README with basic instructions for someone to test the module
  • ADD: Label Segmentation Mode √
  • ADD: show PREOP + INTRAOP slice annotations √
  • ADD: Label Segmentation Mode √
  • ADD: Measure-Needle-Tip Function 2D & 3D √
  • ADD: deal with more than one patient in intraop folder
  • look only for the data that matches the patient selected in the 1st step, if mismatch with the incoming data - warn the user √
  • make sure the module can handle existing data in the intraop folder (in case software started after data is received, or restarted after crash) √
  • ENH: Separate logic from GUI √
  • ENH: show preop Targets in Red SliceView during evaluation √
  • Must have: consider showing preop and intraop before registration at the position of the target √
  • Nice to have: add event handler to the slider position to update intraop/preop when another one position is changed
  • ADD: Re-Registration functionality
