My .emacs.d/ home directory.
This repository contains my emacs24 configuration.
It’s largely inspired from Prelude and my old prelude-personal that I have used few years!
Clone this repository in your home directory:
git clone ~/.emacs.d
Use Cask to install package dependencies (installation instructions here):
cd ~/.emacs.d
cask install
Submodules includes:
Clone submodule:
git submodule init
git submodule update
Start emacs!
My emacs.d core library, contains general configuration and someprelude-editor.el
Contains my emacs-lisp code that I’ve not yet packaged:skbd.el
is a global minor mode to enable/disable my custom keybindings.
Is a set of personal modules. See modules.el to enable/disable modules.modules.el
Contains enabled modules definitions. Simply require provided module..reveal.js/
Reveal.js code source, will be present only if you install submodules.themes/
Drop here your custom themes.var/
Contains cache files, savefiles etc..vendor/
Some package that are not packaged with package.el. Actually there is:
Keybinding | Command |
C-o a | auto-complete |
C-o b | emacsd-helm-buffers-right-side |
C-o d | direx:jump-to-directory-other-window |
C-o i | iedit-mode |
C-o k | emacsd-set-cmd-to-kbd |
C-o s | eshell |
C-o P | proced |
C-o w | whitespace-mode |
Keybinding | Command |
C-o h c | helm-stumpwm-commands |
C-o h f | helm-find-files |
C-o h g | helm-ls-git-ls |
C-o h p | helm-pydoc |
C-o h q | helm-quickrun |
C-o h r | helm-git-grep |
C-o h s | helm-github-stars |
C-o h w | helm-swoop |
C-o h y | helm-c-yas-complete |
C-o h b | helm-bookmarks |
C-o h R | helm-recentf |
Keybinding | Command |
C-o p d | direx-project:jump-to-project-root-other-window |
Keybinding | Command |
C-o f n | flymake-goto-next-error |
C-o f p | flymake-goto-prev-error |
Keybinding | Command |
C-o q a | quickrun-with-arg |
C-o q e | quickrun-region |
C-o q q | quickrun |
C-o q r | quickrun-replace-region |
C-o q s | quickrun-shell |
Keybinding | Command |
C-o g s | magit-status |
C-o g b | magit-blame |
C-o g l | magit-log-buffer-file |
C-o g d | magit-diff-buffer-file |
C-o g p | magit-process-buffer |
Keybinding | Command |
C-o t s | emamux:send-command |
C-o t r | emamux:run-command |
C-o t l | emamux:run-last-command |
C-o t z | emamux:zoom-runner |
C-o t i | emamux:inspect-runner |
C-o t k | emamux:interrupt-runner |
C-o t K | emamux:close-runner-pane |
C-o t c | emamux:clear-runner-history |
Keybinding | Command |
C-o m b | mc/edit-beginnings-of-lines |
C-o m e | mc/edit-ends-of-lines |
C-o m E | mc/edit-lines |
C-o m > | mc/mark-next-like-this |
C-o m < | mc/mark-previous-like-this |
C-o m a | mc/mark-all-like-this |
C-o m n | mc/mark-next-lines |
C-o m p | mc/mark-previous-lines |
Keybinding | Command |
C-o r i | yari-helm |
Keybinding | Command |
M-x | helm-M-x |
M-<up> | windmove-up |
M-<down> | windmove-down |
M-<left> | windmove-left |
M-<right> | windmove-right |
C-x C-b | ibuffer |
C-+ | text-scale-increase |
C-- | text-scale-decrease |
C-x g | magit-status |
C-c h | helm-custom |
Keybinding | Command |
C-c d | crux-duplicate-current-line-or-region |
C-c b | crux-switch-to-previous-buffer |