- Make it cheaper to cast blaze rods from molten blaze
- Casting blaze rods now requires a rod cast, which can also be used for some Immersive Engineering recipes
- Added multi-use cast tags so other mods can more easily add cast variants
- More metal melting and casting support. Now supports gears, plates, rods, sheetmetal, and coins
- Fix steel melting temperature being too high
- Fix stonecutting seared blocks into themselves
Smeltery structure
- Smeltery and melter controller now have separate states for burning (shows flames) and valid structure
- This means the flames on the controller will only show when fuel is being consumed
- All smeltery blocks now have a in_structure state, that is visible on the debug screen. It will be true when its part of a valid smeltery
- Unfortunately, there was no easy way to migrate this change. You will need to break and replace the melter's fuel source and a block in the bottom row of the smeltery to update
- Mobs no longer spawn on active seared bricks
Tool parts
- Tool rods are now called tool handles
- Tough tool rods are now called tough handles
- Part builder now shows when a material is unusable
- Added lightspeed modifier: use glowstone to make your tool mine faster in the light
- Added blasting modifier: use gunpoweder to make your pickaxe break low blast resistance blocks faster
- Added hydraulic modifier: use prismarine shards to make your pickaxe mine faster in the rain or underwater
- Necrotic can now be added to tools using a wither rose, a ghast tear, and a block of congealed blood
- Tagged scythe and kama as "forge:tools/scythe" for thermal cultivation compatibility
- Split harvestable tags to make it easier for addons, see Github wiki for more details
- Allow harvesting beehives and carving faces on pumpkins
- Husks and drowned now drop zombie heads (temporary until we add proper heads)
- Strays now drop skeleton skulls (temporary until we add stray skulls)
- Withers now drop wither skeleton skulls, little bit of salvage
- Snow golems now drop pumpkins, or snow blocks if they were sheared
- Slime boots now work on non-players
- Sky slimes behave as if they are always wearing slime boots, they will no longer die when jumping off the island
- Sky slimes now jump higher
- Endermen can now carry slime dirt and congealed slime
- Renamed cobalt ore to "Nether Cobalt Ore" for vanilla consistency
- Fix a potential crash on load with composter recipes being registered
- Mighty smelting is now crafted from molten seared stone instead of molten copper
- Puny smelting is now crafted using grout instead of a seared brick
- Make tool part layout cleaner
- Add support for rendering material pages
- Fix modifier recipes not supporting overslime recipes
- Fix modifiers section not supporting non-modifier pages
- Improved behavior of piggy back pack, it should be more intutive
- Fix ender slime slings teleporting the player into invalid locations, such as past the worldborder
- Fix fancy frames being unlocalized and not rendering right, clear item frames are once again clear
- Striders are warmed by liquid magma or molten blaze
- Soul fire can be placed on soul glass
- Piglins now guard rose gold and silky jewel blocks
- Modifier chest stack size limited to 16
- Fix scrollbar on chests not working