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SDH web framework that facilitates the acquisition of data from the API and provides widgets to create dashboards


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The aim of this framework is to facilitate the acquisition of data from an API and the creation of dashboards to visualize that information.

##Components of the framework

  • Core Layer: this layer, that corresponds to the framework.js file, is the core of the framework. It provides the basic functionality to obtain data from the API and control the dashboards.
  • Widgets: the framework is designed to be extended with widgets. These widgets, that must "implement" a simple interface, can register themselves in the framework in order to be used by the dashboard developer.

How to install the framework

In the GitHub repository you can find a good example of use of the framework that you can use as an starting code template. However, if you want to do it by yourself then keep reading.

To install the SDH Framework follow the following steps:

  1. Install bower (
  2. Create a .bowerrc file to tell bower where to place the libraries.
  "directory" : "vendor"
  1. Install framework with bower: bower install sdh-framework#master --save
  2. Now you need to configure require.js ( to define the shims, paths to the dependencies, etc. Here is an example of configuration (require-config.js) assuming the bower libraries are located in /vendor (you can define this with .bowerrc file).
    baseUrl: "./",
    map: {
        '*': {
            'css': 'require-css' // or whatever the path to require-css is
    packages: [
            name: 'sdh-framework',
            location: 'vendor/sdh-framework',
            main: 'framework'
            name: 'datatables',
            location: 'vendor/datatables',
            main: 'media/js/jquery.dataTables.min'
            name: 'jquery-qtip',
            location: 'vendor/qtip2',
            main: 'jquery.qtip.min'
    paths: {
        'require-css': 'vendor/require-css/css',
        'bootstrap': "vendor/bootstrap/dist/js/bootstrap.min",
        'bootstrap-css': "vendor/bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.min",
        'backbone': 'vendor/backbone/backbone-min',
        'underscore': 'vendor/underscore/underscore-min',
        'd3': "vendor/d3/d3.min",
        'nvd3': "vendor/nvd3/build/nv.d3.min",
        'jquery': 'vendor/jquery/dist/jquery',
        'jquery-ui': 'vendor/jquery-ui/ui',
        'moment': "vendor/moment/moment",
        'lodash': 'vendor/lodash/lodash.min',
        'joint': 'vendor/joint/dist/joint.min',
        'cytoscape': 'vendor/cytoscape/dist/cytoscape',
        'cytoscape-qtip': 'vendor/cytoscape-qtip/cytoscape-qtip',
        'cola': 'vendor/cytoscape/lib/cola.v3.min',
        'chartjs': 'vendor/Chart.js/Chart.min',
        'roboto-fontface': 'vendor/roboto-fontface'
    shim : {
        'nvd3': {
            exports: 'nv',
            deps: ['d3', 'css!nvd3']
        'cytoscape': {
            exports: 'cytoscape',
            deps: ['jquery']
        'cytoscape-qtip': {
            exports: 'cytoscape-qtip',
            deps: ['jquery', 'jquery-qtip', 'cytoscape']
        'cola': {
            exports: 'cola'
        'bootstrap': {
            deps: ['jquery']

5 - Load require.js and then dashboard.js from your index.html file adding the following lines between the <head></head> tags.

  <script src="vendor/requirejs/require.js"></script>
      require(['require-config.js'], function() {

6 - Create a file (dashboard.js in this example) that loads the framework and executes your Javascript code.

    require(["sdh-framework" /*, your other dependencies here */], function() {
        framework.ready(function() {
            console.log("Framework ready");
            /* Your code to instantiate widgets here!
            var sample_dom = document.getElementById("chart-div");
            var sample_metrics = [
                    id: 'metric_id',
                    // fixed metric parameters
            var sample_configuration = {
                // Widget configuration
            var widget = new framework.widgets.MySampleWidget(sample_dom, sample_metrics, [], sample_configuration);

Before trying to use the framework, make sure that you have done the steps in the "How to connect with your own API" section.

##How to connect with your own API

To indicate where your SDH API is located just create a Javascript global variable SDH_API_URL with the URL of your API server. In case your API needs a Bearer authorization key, create a Javascript global variable SDH_API_KEY with the key.

This repository brings by default the api-connector.js needed to connect to the SDH API. In case you want to connect this framework with your own API you just have to edit the loadApiResourcesInfo method in api-connector.js to adapt it to your API structure. That method must:

  1. Add each new resource parameter name to the _existentParametersList array (this is like a cache of the parameters that can be used in the API, needed for performance reasons).
  2. Fill the _resourcesInfo private variable with information for each API resource. It must have the following structure:
    resourcesInfo[<String:resourceId>] = {
        path: <String:resourceRelativePath>,
        requiredParams: { //list of required parameters
            <String:paramName>: {
                name: <String:paramName>,
                in: <"query" or "path">,
                required: true
        optionalParams: { //list of optional parameters
            <String:paramName>: {
                name: <String:paramName>,
                in: <"query" or "path">,
                required: false

How to instantiate a new widget

All the widgets have the same parameters: MySampleWidget(element, resources, contexts, configuration)

  • element: DOM element where all the content of he widet should be placed.
  • resources: Array of objects that define a resource. These objects can have the following properties (whose values can be modified through context updates):
    • id: Id of the resource. This parameter is required.

    • <api_parameters>: these are the parameters that the API accepts for this resource (i.e. from, to, max, accumulated, aggr...). The value of these parameters can be a single value or an array of values (multiparameters) which are expanded to all the possible combinations of values of the multiparameters of the resource.

    • post_aggr: An String with a named post aggregator or a function. A post aggregator is executed after retrieving all the simple requests of a requests group (request that contains multiparameters) in order to combine them into a single response. The framework currently has two predefined post agregators: sum and avg. Note that the use of a post_aggr is not compulsory with multiparameters. You can also define your own post aggregator functions. This functions must have the following parameters: function myPostAggregator(responses, skel)

      • responses: List of framework responses to a request group (all the requests generated after expanding all the multiparameters).
      • skel: The framework builds a response with an empty data property, which the post aggregator should fill.

      See an example with the "sum" post aggregator that is implemented in the framework:

      var sumPostAggregator = function sumPostAggregator(responses, skel) {
          var sum = 0;
          for(var i = 0; i < responses.length; ++i, sum += vSum) {
              var values = responses[i]['data']['values'];
              for(var x = 0, vSum = 0; x < values.length; vSum += values[x++]);
          skel['data']['values'] = [sum];
          return skel;
    • post_modifier: Function executed after the post_aggr (if any) to modify an individual response. It receives a framework response and must return it. See an example with a "toPercentage" post modifier:

      var toPercentagePostModifier = function toPercentagePostModifier(resourceData) {
          var values = resourceData['data']['values'];
          for(var x = 0; x < values.length; x++) {
              values[x] = Math.round(values[x] * 100);
          return resourceData;
    • static: Array with a list of parameters for this resource that should be unalterable by context updates. As a consequence, static parameters must have a value as they can not be created through context updates.

  • contexts: List with the name of the contexts that affect to the resources of this widget.
  • configuration: Specific configuration for this widget. Each widget has their own configuration parameters. Check the code of the widget to see the detailed description of the configuration parameters it accepts.

How to create a new widget

Just create a new file based on the following template.

(function() {

    var __loader = (function() {

        /* MySampleWidget constructor
        *   element: the DOM element that will contain the widget
        *   resources: resources to observe
        *   contexts: list of contexts
        *   configuration: you can use his optional parameter to assing a custom widget configuration.
        var MySampleWidget = function MySampleWidget(element, resources, contexts, configuration) {
            //TODO: your code here
            // Extending widget
  , false, element);
            // Use the callback offered by widget.common
            this.observeCallback = this.commonObserveCallback.bind(this);
  , this.observeCallback, contexts);
        MySampleWidget.prototype = new framework.widgets.CommonWidget(true);
        MySampleWidget.prototype.updateData = function(framework_data) {
            //TODO: your code here
        MySampleWidget.prototype.delete = function() {
            // Stop observing for data changes
            //TODO: your code here
        window.framework.widgets.MySampleWidget = MySampleWidget;
        return MySampleWidget;


    // AMD compliant
    if ( typeof define === "function" && define.amd) {
        define( [
            /* List of dependencies */
        ], function () {
            return __loader();
        } );
    } else {


For more advanced features provided by the widget.common see the existing widgets in /widgets directory.

Public methods

The framework is accessible through a global variable (registered in the window Javascript variable) named framework. Threrefore, if you want to use some method of the framework, you just have to write framework.methodname. This is a list of the available public methods:

  • frameworkReady(callback): Add a callback that will be executed when the framework is ready.
  • isFrameworkReady(): Checks if the framework is ready returning true in that case.
  • data.observe(resources, obs_callback, contextIds): Observes a list of resources depending on a list of contexts.
  • data.stopObserve(obs_callback): Cancels observing for an specific callback.
  • data.stopAllObserves(): Cancels all the active observes.
  • data.clear(): Stops all the observes and disposes all the contexts.
  • data.updateContext(contextId, contextData): Updates a context with the given data.
  • data.getContextData(contextId): Gets the data stored in a given context.
  • data.observeContext(contextId, callback): Observe changes in a context.
  • dashboard.setDashboardController(controller): Sets the dashboard controller for the framework for a multi-dashboard platform.
  • dashboard.registerWidget(widget): Registers a new widget in the current dashboard.
  • dashboard.changeTo(newDashboard, env, category): Changes the current dashboard.
  • dashboard.getEnv(paramName): Gets the dashboard environment.
  • dashboard.addEventListener(event, callback): Add event listeners to the dashboard. Currently there is only the 'change' event.
  • dashboard.removeEventListener(event, callback): Removes an event listener from the dashboard.
  • utils.resourceHash(resourceId, requestParams): Calculate the hash of a resource.

For more information about their parameters and return values, see the documentation inside the framework.js source file.


SDH web framework that facilitates the acquisition of data from the API and provides widgets to create dashboards







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