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Nomenclature OS Platform

Hwee-Boon Yar edited this page Feb 21, 2019 · 2 revisions

The standard guides for both platforms:

  • iOS Human Interface Guidelines. Start with Bars in HIG
  • Material Design for Android. Start with bottom App bars at Material Design
           Nav/Navigation bar                                                     
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                 │                                     Bottom                     
                                                   navigation bar                 
              Tab bar                                                             
      Segmented control                                          Tabs             
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│              iOS                  │        │             Android               │
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└───────────────────────────────────┘        └───────────────────────────────────┘
                                                              Top app bar         
                                             │ ────                │         o   │
                                             │ ────   Title        ▼         o   │
                                             │ ────                          o   │
                                             │                                   │
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                                             │                                   │
                                             │                                   │
                                             │                                   │
                                             │            Android                │
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                                             │ ────                          o   │
                                             │ ────   Title                  o   │
                                             │ ────                ▲         o   │
                                                            Bottom app bar