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README of the RZ/G2L Flash Writer

Renesas Electronics Corporation


The RZ/G2L flash writer is sample software for Renesas RZ/G2L Group MPUs. The RZ/G2L flash writer downloads the some of the raw images from Host PC via SCIF and writes the raw images to the Serial NOR Flash.

1. Overview

This document explains about RZ/G2L flash writer sample software for Renesas RZ/G2L Group MPUs.

The RZ/G2L flash writer is downloaded from the Host PC via SCIF by boot ROM.

And the RZ/G2L flash writer downloads the some of the raw images from Host PC via SCIF, and writes the raw images to the Serial NOR Flash (hereafter referred to as “Serial Flash”).

The RZ/G2L flash writer's Serial Flash writing support is on-board Serial NOR Flash(i.e. MT25QU512).

Chapter 2 describes the operating environment.

Chapter 3 describes the software.

Chapter 4 explains example of how to build the RZ/G2L flash writer.

Chapter 5 explains example of how to perform the RZ/G2L flash writer.

Chapter 6 explains how to handle error case.

Chapter 7 explains revision history.

Note) This sample software does not support the file system. Therefore, can be write the raw image to the Serial NOR Flash.

1.2. License

BSD-3-Clause (please see file for the details)

1.3. Notice

The RZ/G2L flash writer is distributed as a sample software from Renesas without any warranty or support.

1.4. Contributing

To contribute to this layer, you should email patches to [email protected]. Please send .patch files as email attachments, not embedded in the email body.

1.5. References

The following table shows the document related to this function.

Related Document

Number Issuer Title Edition
1 JEDEC Embedded Multi-Media Card (eMMC) Electrical Standard (5.01) JESD84-B50.1
2 Renesas Release Note for Verified Linux Package for 64bit kernel Rev.1.01 or later
3 Renesas RZ/G2L Yocto recipe Start-Up Guide Rev.1.01 or later
4 Renesas RZ/G2L Reference Boards Start-up Guide Rev.1.01 or later

2. Operating Environment

2.1. Hardware Environment

The following table lists the hardware needed to use this function.

Hardware environment

Name Note
Target board RZ/G2L SMARC Concrete Evaluation Kit(RZ/G2L EVK)
RZ/V2L SMARC Concrete Evaluation Kit(RZ/V2L EVK)
RZ/G2LC SMARC Evaluation Kit(RZ/G2LC EVK)
RZ/G2UL SMARC Evaluation Kit(RZ/G2UL EVK)
RZ/A3UL SMARC Evaluation Kit(RZ/A3UL EVK)
Host PC Ubuntu Desktop 20.04(64bit) or later

The following table shows Serial Flash and eMMC support for each MPU.

Serial Flash / eMMC support status of each MPU
MPU Read/Write the Serial Flash Boot from the Serial Flash Read/Write the eMMC Boot from the eMMC
RZ/G2L EVK Support Support Support Support
RZ/G2L PMIC EVK Support Support Support Support
RZ/V2L EVK Support Support Support Support
RZ/V2L PMIC EVK Support Support Support Support
RZ/G2LC EVK Support Support Support Support
RZ/G2UL EVK Support Support Support Support
RZ/A3UL EVK Support Support Support Support

2.2. Software Environment

The following table lists the software required to use this sample software.

Software environment

Name Note
ARM64 Cross-compile Toolchain *1 ARM64 Cross-compile Toolchain Release GCC v10.2
Yocto SDK *1 *2 Yocto SDK built from Yocto environment for RZ/G2L Group

*1: One of the above environments is required.

*2: Regarding how to get the Yocto SDK, refer to Related Document No.2 or No.3.

3. Software

3.1. Function

This package has the following functions.

  • Write to the images to the Serial Flash.
  • Erase the Serial Flash.
  • Display the CID/CSD/EXT_CSD registers of an eMMC.
  • Modify the EXT_CSD registers of an eMMC.
  • Write binary images to the boot partition of an eMMC.
  • Write binary images to the user data area of an eMMC.
  • Erase the boot partition of an eMMC.
  • Erase the user data area of an eMMC.
  • Change the SCIF baud rate setting.
  • Display the command help.

3.2. Option setting

The RZ/G2L flash writer support the following build options.

3.2.1. BOARD

Select from the following table according to the board settings.

If this option is not selected, the default value is RZG2L_SMARC.

RZG2L_SMARC Generate binary that works on RZ/G2L EVK board (default)
RZG2L_SMARC_PMIC Generate binary that works on RZ/G2L PMIC EVK board
RZV2L_SMARC Generate binary that works on RZ/V2L EVK board
RZV2L_SMARC_PMIC Generate binary that works on RZ/V2L PMIC EVK board
RZG2LC_SMARC Generate binary that works on RZ/G2LC EVK board
RZG2UL_SMARC Generate binary that works on RZ/G2UL EVK board
RZA3UL_SMARC Generate binary that works on RZ/A3UL EVK board


Select from the following table according to the Serial Flash writing function.

If this option is not selected, the default value is ENABLE.

Association table for the SERIAL_FLASH value and valid Serial Flash writing function settings
SERIAL_FLASH Serial Flash writing setting
ENABLE Serial Flash writing function is available. (default)
DISABLE Serial Flash writing function is not available.

3.2.3 eMMC

Select from the following table according to the eMMC writing function.

If this option is not selected, the default value is ENABLE.

Association table for the eMMC value and valid eMMC writing function settings
EMMC eMMC writing setting
ENABLE eMMC writing function is available. (default)
DISABLE eMMC writing function is not available.

3.3. Command specification

The following table shows the command list.

Command list

Command Description
XLS2 Write the S-record format images to the Serial Flash(SREC format)
XLS3 Write the S-record format images to the Serial Flash(BIN format)
XCS Erase the Serial Flash.
EM_DCID Display the CID registers of eMMC.
EM_DCSD Display the CSD registers of eMMC.
EM_DECSD Display the EXT_CSD registers of eMMC.
EM_SECSD Modify the EXT_CSD registers of eMMC.
EM_W Write to the S-record format images to the user data area of eMMC, and the boot partition of eMMC.
EM_WB Write to the raw binary images to the user data area of eMMC, and the boot partition of eMMC.
EM_E Erase the user data area of eMMC, and the boot partition of eMMC.
SUP Change the SCIF baud rate setting.
SUD Change the SCIF baud rate setting.
RESET Perform RESET of the CPU.
H Display the command help.

3.3.1. Write to the S-record format images to the Serial Flash

This command writes the S-record format image to Serial Flash.

Example of writing data for the Serial Flash boot
Filename Program Top Address Flash Save Address Description
bl2_bp-<board_name>.srec H'11E00 H'0000 Loader
fip-<board_name>.srec H'0000 H'1D200 ARM Trusted Firmware and U-boot in FIP file

The following shows the procedure of this command.

Note) The following procedure is an example on RZ/G2L EVK board.

===== Qspi writing of RZ/G2 Board Command =============
Load Program to Spiflash
Writes to any of SPI address.
 Micron : MT25QU512
Program Top Address & Qspi Save Address
===== Please Input Program Top Address ============
  Please Input : H'

Please enter the program top address of the write image in hexadecimal.

===== Qspi writing of RZ/G2 Board Command =============
Load Program to Spiflash
Writes to any of SPI address.
 Micron : MT25QU512
Program Top Address & Qspi Save Address
===== Please Input Program Top Address ============
  Please Input : H'11E00

===== Please Input Qspi Save Address ===
  Please Input : H'

Please enter the flash save address in hexadecimal.

===== Qspi writing of RZ/G2 Board Command =============
Load Program to Spiflash
Writes to any of SPI address.
 Micron : MT25QU512
Program Top Address & Qspi Save Address
===== Please Input Program Top Address ============
  Please Input : H'11E00

===== Please Input Qspi Save Address ===
  Please Input : H'0
Work RAM(H'50000000-H'53FFFFFF) Clear....
please send ! ('.' & CR stop load)

Please download the write image in S-record format.

===== Qspi writing of RZ/G2 Board Command =============
Load Program to Spiflash
Writes to any of SPI address.
 Micron : MT25QU512
Program Top Address & Qspi Save Address
===== Please Input Program Top Address ============
  Please Input : H'11E00

===== Please Input Qspi Save Address ===
  Please Input : H'0
Work RAM(H'50000000-H'53FFFFFF) Clear....
please send ! ('.' & CR stop load)
SPI Data Clear(H'FF) Check :H'00000000-0001FFFF,Clear OK?(y/n)

Please enter the 'y' key when asked to clear.

If Flash is erased, it will not be asked.

===== Qspi writing of RZ/G2 Board Command =============
Load Program to Spiflash
Writes to any of SPI address.
 Micron : MT25QU512
Program Top Address & Qspi Save Address
===== Please Input Program Top Address ============
  Please Input : H'11E00

===== Please Input Qspi Save Address ===
  Please Input : H'0
Work RAM(H'50000000-H'53FFFFFF) Clear....
please send ! ('.' & CR stop load)
SPI Data Clear(H'FF) Check :H'00000000-0000FFFF Erasing..Erase Completed
======= Qspi  Save Information  =================
 SpiFlashMemory Stat Address : H'00000000
 SpiFlashMemory End Address  : H'00009A80


Image writing has been completed.

3.3.2. Erase the Serial NOR Flash

This command erases all sectors of Serial Flash.

The following shows the procedure of this command.

Note) The following procedure is an example on RZ/G2L EVK board.

ALL ERASE SpiFlash memory
Clear OK?(y/n)

Please enter the 'y' key.

ALL ERASE SpiFlash memory
 Micron : MT25QU512
 ERASE QSPI-FLASH (60sec[typ]).... complete!

Selected Serial Flash has been erased.

3.3.3. Display the CID registers command

This command displays the contents of the CID registers of the eMMC.

The following shows the procedure of this command.


[CID Field Data]
[127:120]  MID  0x13
[113:112]  CBX  0x01
[111:104]  OID  0x4E
[103: 56]  PNM  0x52314A35374C
[ 55: 48]  PRV  0x10
[ 47: 16]  PSN  0x18E3D660
[ 15:  8]  MDT  0x73
[  7:  1]  CRC  0x00

3.3.4. Display the CSD registers command

This command displays the contents of the CSD registers of eMMC.

The following shows the procedure of this command.


[CSD Field Data]
[127:126]  CSD_STRUCTURE       0x03
[125:122]  SPEC_VERS           0x04
[119:112]  TAAC                0x7F
[ 11: 10]  FILE_FORMAT         0x00
[  9:  8]  ECC                 0x00
[  7:  1]  CRC                 0x00

3.3.5. Display the EXT_CSD registers command

This command displays the contents of the EXT_CSD registers of the eMMC.

The following shows the procedure of this command.


[EXT_CSD Field Data]
[505:505]  EXT_SECURITY_ERR                           0x00
[504:504]  S_CMD_SET                                  0x01
[503:503]  HPI_FEATURES                               0x01
[142:140]  ENH_SIZE_MULT                              0x000000
[139:136]  ENH_START_ADDR                             0x00000000
[134:134]  SEC_BAD_BLK_MGMNT                          0x00

3.3.6. Modify the EXT_CSD registers of eMMC command

This command modifies the contents of the EXT_CSD registers in the eMMC.

The values must be entered as hexadecimal.


  Please Input EXT_CSD Index(H'00 - H'1FF) :b1
  EXT_CSD[B1] = 0x00
  Please Input Value(H'00 - H'FF) :2
  EXT_CSD[B1] = 0x02

eMMC Boot Settings

Please note that for eMMC booting, the following EXT_CSD registers need to be modified:

  • EXT_CSD[B1] = 0x02
  • EXT_CSD[B3] = 0x08

3.3.7. Write to the S-record format images to the eMMC

This command writes the S-record format image to any partition of the eMMC.

Example of writing data for the eMMC boot
Filename eMMC Save Partition eMMC Save Sectors Program Top Address Description
bl2_bp-<board_name>.srec boot partition1 H'00000001 H'00011E00 Loader
fip-<board_name>.srec boot partition1 H'00000100 H'00000000 ARM Trusted Firmware and U-boot in FIP file

The following shows the procedure of this command. The values must be entered as hexadecimal. Please enter the start sector number of the write image in hexadecimal. Sector size is 512 bytes. Please enter the program top address of the write image in hexadecimal. Please download the write image in S-record format.

EM_W Start --------------
Please select,eMMC Partition Area.
 0:User Partition Area   : 62160896 KBytes
  eMMC Sector Cnt : H'0 - H'0768FFFF
 1:Boot Partition 1      : 32256 KBytes
  eMMC Sector Cnt : H'0 - H'0000FBFF
 2:Boot Partition 2      : 32256 KBytes
  eMMC Sector Cnt : H'0 - H'0000FBFF
  Select area(0-2)>1                                       <<<< Enter "1" here
-- Boot Partition 1 Program -----------------------------
Please Input Start Address in sector :1                    <<<< Enter "1" here
Please Input Program Start Address : 11E00                 <<<< Enter "11E00" here
Work RAM(H'50000000-H'50FFFFFF) Clear....
please send ! ('.' & CR stop load)
SAVE -FLASH.......
EM_W Complete!

Image writing has been completed.

3.3.8. Erase the eMMC

This command erases any partition of the eMMC.

The following shows the procedure of this command.

EM_E Start --------------
Please select,eMMC Partition Area.
 0:User Partition Area   : 62160896 KBytes
  eMMC Sector Cnt : H'0 - H'0768FFFF
 1:Boot Partition 1      : 32256 KBytes
  eMMC Sector Cnt : H'0 - H'0000FBFF
 2:Boot Partition 2      : 32256 KBytes
  eMMC Sector Cnt : H'0 - H'0000FBFF
  Select area(0-2)>0                                       <<<< Enter "0" here
-- User Partition Area Program --------------------------
EM_E Complete!

Selected partition has been erased.

3.3.9. Change the SCIF baud rate setting

This command will change the baud rate of the SCIF.

Baud rate depends on the MPU and the SCIF clock setting on the board.

Baud rate settings after command execution
Command Baud rate at After command execution
SUP 921600bps
SUD 115200bps

Note) The baud rate that has been changed in this command cannot be undone until the power is turned off.

The following shows the procedure of this command.

Scif speed UP
Please change to 921.6Kbps baud rate setting of the terminal.
Scif speed DOWN
Please change to 115.2Kbps baud rate setting of the terminal.

3.3.10. Display the command help

Displays a description of the commands.

The following shows the procedure of this command.

        SPI Flash write command
 XCS            erase program to SPI Flash
 XLS2           write program to SPI Flash
 XLS3           write program to SPI Flash(Binary)

        eMMC write command
 EM_DCID        display register CID
 EM_DCSD        display register CSD
 EM_DECSD       display register EXT_CSD
 EM_SECSD       change register EXT_CSD byte
 EM_W           write program to eMMC
 EM_WB          write program to eMMC (Binary)
 EM_E           erase program to eMMC

 SUP            Scif speed UP (Change to speed up baud rate setting)
 SUD            Scif speed DOWN (Change to speed down baud rate setting)
 RESET          Perform RESET of the CPU
 H              help
 D  {sadr {eadr}}          memory dump  (DM sets dump size)
 DM {B|W|L|X}              set&disp dump mode
 M  [adr]                  set memory(BYTE)
 MW [adr]                  set memory(WORD)
 ML [adr]                  set memory(LONG)
 MX [adr]                  set memory(LONG LONG)
 F  [sadr] [eadr] [data]   fill memory
 FL [sadr] [eadr] [data]   fill memory(LONG)
 FX [sadr] [eadr] [data]   fill memory(LONG LONG)

4. How to build the RZ/G2L flash writer

This chapter is described how to build the RZ/G2L flash writer. Command is executed in the user's home directory (~ /).

4.1. Prepare the compiler

Gets cross compiler for linaro or setup the Yocto SDK.

ARM64 Cross-compile toolchain:

cd ~/
tar xvf gcc-arm-10.2-2020.11-x86_64-aarch64-none-elf.tar.xz

Yocto SDK:

source /opt/poky/3.1.5/environment-setup-aarch64-poky-linux

4.2. Prepare the source code

Get the source code of RZ/G2L flash writer.

cd ~/
git clone
cd rzg2_flash_writer
git checkout rz_g2l

4.3. Build the RZ/G2L flash writer

S-record file will be built by the following command.

ARM64 Cross-compile toolchain:

make -f makefile.linaro clean
CROSS_COMPILE=~/gcc-arm-10.2-2020.11-x86_64-aarch64-none-elf/bin/aarch64-none-elf- make -f makefile.linaro BOARD=RZG2L_SMARC

Yocto SDK:

make clean

Output image will be available in the following directory.

  • ./AArch64_output/Flash_Writer_SCIF_RZG2L_SMARC_DDR4_2GB.mot

The target file name changes depending on the build options.

The following table lists the relationship between build option and target files.

Description of build options and target files

Build options Target filename

5. How to run the RZ/G2L flash writer

5.1. Prepare for write to the Serial Flash and eMMC

Start the target in the SCIF download mode and run the RZ/G2L flash writer sample code.

Regarding the DIP switch configuration on the board, refer to Related Document No.4.

The following table shows the setting of terminal software.

Terminal software configuration

Baud rate Data bit length Parity check Stop bits Flow control
115200bps 8bits none 1bit none

Terminal software outputs the following log at power ON the target.

SCIF Download mode (w/o verification)
(C) Renesas Electronics Corp.

-- Load Program to SystemRAM ---------------
please send !

Transfer S-record file after the log output.

S-record file:

  • AArch64_output/Flash_Writer_SCIF_<board_name>.mot

After the transfer has succeeded, the following log will be shown.

Flash writer for RZ/G2 Series V1.04 Mar.11,2022
 Product Code : RZ/G2L

Please enter the any key from the console to continue.

For details on how to write to the Serial Flash and eMMC, please refer to Section 3.3.

5.2. Prepare for boot from the Serial Flash and eMMC

To boot from the eMMC, need to change the DIP switch setting.

Regarding the DIP switch configuration on the board, refer to Related Document No.4.

6. Error case to handle


7. Revision history

Describe the revision history of RZ/G2L flash writer.

7.1. v1.00

  • First release.
  • Support RZ/G2L Concrete/PMIC EVK board.

7.2. v1.01

  • Support RZ/G2UL EVK board.

7.3. v1.02

  • Enable eMMC writing function.

7.4. v1.03

  • Support the RESET command.

7.5. v1.04

  • Support the SUP,SUD command.
  • Update README.

7.6. v1.05

  • Support RZ/A3UL EVK board.
  • Update README.

7.7. v1.06

  • Update according to the Technical Update (Document No. TN-RZ*-A0094A/E, DATE: August 9th).


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