PauperTools is a bridge-based plug-in developed specifically for Archicad architectural design software that allows developers to re-engineer Archicad architectural design software using the Python development language. Let the developers or users of Archicad escape from the abyss of C/C++.
- This plug-in is a free plug-in that is freely usable by unauthorized users, but cannot be used for any commercial purpose by any means or in any way, or it will be held liable for infringement.
- The PauperTools plugin is copyrighted by Guizhou Wisdom Data Cloud Technology Co., Ltd. and the plugin author Lancer [QQ: 502554248].
- QQ Group:479634378
Install Archicad (Plug-in only supports version Archicad 21)
- Waiting for improvement
- Point
- Rect
- CharRange
- ItemBase
- Panel
- Dialog
- EditControl
- ButtonItem
- RadioItem
- CheckItem
- StaticText
- BarControl
- DateTime
- ListBox
- ListView
- PopUp
- PushMenu
- Waiting for improvement
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