This repository contains some selected Data Analytics / Machine Learning projects which I completed during my Data Science training at Yandex.Practicum.
Course provider: Yandex LLC
What is this course about?
A data scientist structures and analyzes large amounts of data, applies machine learning to predict events and detect non-obvious patterns. Helps to create and improve products in business, industry and science.
The course covers the basic tools of the profession: Python and its libraries, Jupyter Notebook, SQL.
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June 2020 - February 2021 (8 Months)
Programming language: Python (ver. 3)
IDE: Jupyter Notebook, VS Code
Database: SQL
Libraries: Pandas, Numpy, Matplotlib, Seaborn, plotly, Scikit-Learn, CatBoost, LGBM, SQL Alchemy, Pymystem3, scipy, Keras
Exploratory data analysis of gaming industry.
Machine learning model to predict revenue and loss risk.
Machine learning model to predict the gold recovery rate at stages of technological processing of gold-bearing ore.
Machine learning model to predict the number of taxi orders per hour.
Machine learning model to estimate the price of a used car.