Release notes - SonarIac - 1.31
SONARIAC-1322 Empty file suffixes are not substituted with defaults with SQ 10.4
SONARIAC-1392 Should not throw parse exception strconv.Atoi when read _resources.tpl
SONARIAC-1485 Docker parser should not create invalid offset on multiline bash script
SONARIAC-437 S6258 should not raise on Azure Storage Account logging
SONARIAC-789 Take dynamic blocks into account when detecting absence of properties
SONARIAC-855 S6437 Refine openssl secret generation command detection
SONARIAC-1008 S4423 Add support for Azure MSSQL
SONARIAC-1009 S4423 Weak SSL/TLS protocols should not be detected when using AWS API Gateway
SONARIAC-1030 S6330 Should consider correct default queue encryption (SSE-SQS)
SONARIAC-1035 S4423 should not report missing property for Azure resources with azurerm >= 3.0
SONARIAC-1096 S6380 ARM Detection logic needs to be adjusted
SONARIAC-1141 S6587 should not raise on apt-get when installing a local package
SONARIAC-1260 S6596 should not raise an issue on docker special image `scratch`
SONARIAC-1418 S6596 should not raise on references to previous build stages when previous stage is unresolvable
SONARIAC-1465 S1192 should not raise on strings that are formatted
SONARIAC-1467 S6380 should not raise on storageAccounts when allowBlobPublicAccess is not set
SONARIAC-1468 S1192 should not raise on module path
False Negative
SONARIAC-784 S6413 should be raised when insights block is missing or disabled
SONARIAC-1022 S6506 Detection should not be thwarted by addition of parameters
SONARIAC-1023 S6245 Checking AWS::S3::Bucket should not rely on properties
SONARIAC-1489 Deprecate S6869: CPU limits should be enforced