This app aims to take the official DeepDive tutorial Extracting mentions of spouses from the news and change input into 100 Chinese news articles.
DeepDive 0.8.0
Postgresql 9.6
Elasticsearch 5.5.0
Please run echo "postgresql://$USER@$HOSTNAME:5432/deepdive_spouse_$USER" >db.url
Then, download stanford-srparser-2014-10-23-models.jar
and stanford-chinese-corenlp-2016-01-19-models.jar
from stanford NLP website and put them under udf/bazzar/parser/lib/
Under udf/bazzar/parser/
, please run sbt/sbt stage
to rebuild the project. To test out, you can run ./ -p 8080
, and POST anything to port 8080 to see the result.
You can use a tool with GUI like http-tool in Mozilla Firefox.
This project tries to use original project configuration as much as possible. But some changes in project command are necessary:
The project compilation command
deepdive compile
are only required to executed at startup. In Section 1.1, to load raw input data: Change
deepdive do articles
deepdive create table articles
deepdive load articles input/news-100.tsv.bz2
In Section 2.1, we replace people name list from DBpedia to manual label from 100 new articles. So no SQL queries are need, you can run
deepdive create table spouses_dbpedia
deepdive load spouses_dbpedia input/spouse_dbpedia.csv.bz2
and continue with next query:
deepdive query '| 20 ?- spouses_dbpedia(name1, name2).'
If you encountered java.lang.OutOfMemoryError
or similar error in NLP processing,
please view /udf/bazaar/parser/
and change 3g
in export JAVA_OPTS="-Xmx3g -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8"
into a lower number.
If you want to execute a command twice due to previous abortion or modification,
sometimes the data are not updated completely even with deepdive redo
To resolve that issue, you can keep track of run/<run_date>/<run_time>/
and check whether done time of some command is not changed.
If so, you may have to run that command with deepdive redo
or deepdive do
even they are not included in tutorial.
When I want to execute deepdive do has_spouse
due to changes in udf/
, nothing happened.
But run deepdive do spouse_label__0
can refresh the project status.
Because of DeepDive's own rules, user-defined function under udf/
will take one row from database as input and return several rows
which will be passed to other function immediately.
If you want to view debug information, do not use print
or stdout
use logging
module instead.