A collection of patches for Pure Data
ARGOPd is made of real-time sound and visual synthesis modules (MM) and patches (ExMM).
It runs on Pd Vanilla 0.47 or later.
It needs libraries, all available on Deken:
Most patches also work under Pd-0.43.4-extended
For MacOSX, Linux, Windows.
A Module (or MiniModule MM) is a "subpatch" (not an "abstraction") with the property "graph on parent".
ARGOPd is for users who have never programmed with Pure Data.
Under GPL-3.0 License
The documentation ARGOPdManuv051.pdf must be updated:
replace: Pd-0.41.4-extended by: Pd-0.43.4-extended or Pd-0.50 + libraries, but remains valid.
email: [email protected]
Based on the works of:
- Algorithmic Composer: Markov chains
http://www.algorithmiccomposer.com/ - Ben Bogart: chaos library: lorenz
http://puredata.info/downloads/chaos/ - William Brent: streamStretch~, spectrogram, dryUp~, pitchHeight, martha~, convolve~, timbreID...
https://github.com/wbrent - Martin Brinkmann: vowelfilter...
http://www.martin-brinkmann.de/pd-patches.html - Ivica Ico Bukvic, Albert Graef, Jonathan Wilkes: disis_munger~
https://github.com/jonwwilkes/purr-data - Nicolas d’Alessandro: mbrola~...
http://www.nicolasdalessandro.net/mbrolaobject - Yves de Goyon: Grid, Pidip, probalizer...
http://ydegoyon.free.fr/software.html - R. Luke DuBois & Dan Trueman: Percolate, munger...
https://github.com/Cycling74/percolate - Tom Erbe: +pitchdelay~, +bubbler~, +compand~, +decimate, +delay...
https://www.soundhack.com/freeware/ - Andy Farnell (Obiwannabe): liquid, formant...
http://aspress.co.uk/sd/index.html - Roman Haefeli: clap808...
https://github.com/reduzent - Tobias Hartmann: one_sample_osc
https://github.com/tob-har/one_sample_osc - Xavier Hautbois
https://xhautbois.pagesperso-orange.fr/index.html - Cyrille Henry: pmpd...
http://drpichon.free.fr/pmpd/ - Derek Holzer: Particlechamber...
http://macumbista.net/?page_id=514 - Bryan Jurish (moocow): ssflite
http://kaskade.dwds.de/~moocow/mirror/projects/pd/ - Johannes Kreidler: Filter colors...
http://www.pd-tutorial.com/ - Gordan Krekovic: gendyn~.pd...
https://github.com/gkrekovic - Matthias Kronlachner: pix_freenect, pix_depth2rgba, gendy~_osx_build
https://github.com/kronihias/pd-kinect-examples - Labomedia (Olivier Baudu, Benjamin Cadon...)
https://ressources.labomedia.org - Olaf Matthes: gauss, cauchy, freeverb~ ...
https://puredata.info/author/olafmatt - Chris McCormick: -obiwansd~...
https://github.com/chr15m/s-abstractions - Thomas Ouellet Fredericks - Alexandre Quessy - Patrick Sebastien Coulombe - JKP
https://github.com/patricksebastien/mtl - Leonard J. Paul: Surround Granulation
http://www.videogameaudio.com/ - Serge Poltavski: soundtouch~, fluid~, speech.flite...
https://github.com/uliss - Ville Pulkki: vbap
http://legacy.spa.aalto.fi/research/cat/vbap/ - Berenger Recoules
https://github.com/b2renger - Christof Ressi: vstplugin~
https://github.com/Spacechild1/vstplugin - Spencer Russell: gendy~, sfr-granulator...
https://github.com/ssfrr - Ben Saylor: partconv~, zhzxh~, pvoc~...
http://puredata.info/downloads/bsaylor - Hans-Christoph Steiner: filterview...
http://puredata.info/downloads/filterview/ - Tim Vets: Karplus-Strong, PDelayLama
http://www.timvets.net - Katja Vetter: octave-harmonizer, soundtouch~...
http://www.katjaas.nl - ... Thomas Musil ... IOhannes M Zmölnig ... Miller Puckette...