Update README with latest blog posts #836
2 errors and 1 warning
Pull in French posts
https://nsddd.top/fr/index.xml runner failed, please verify the configuration. Error:
Pull in French posts
Looks like your website returned 404, There is nothing blog post workflow can do to fix it. Please check your website's RSS feed generation source code. Also double check
the URL.
Pull in French posts
Unexpected input(s) 'token', valid inputs are ['gh_token', 'readme_path', 'max_post_count', 'feed_list', 'disable_sort', 'filter_comments', 'tag_post_pre_newline', 'template', 'date_format', 'comment_tag_name', 'user_agent', 'accept_header', 'custom_tags', 'title_max_length', 'description_max_length', 'item_exec', 'commit_message', 'committer_username', 'committer_email', 'output_only', 'enable_keepalive', 'retry_count', 'retry_wait_time', 'feed_names', 'disable_html_encoding', 'categories_template', 'disable_item_validation', 'filter_dates', 'rand_seed', 'remove_duplicates', 'skip_commit', 'dummy_commit_message']