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Known incompatibilities

Shinichi Maeshima edited this page Apr 24, 2024 · 16 revisions

paper_trail - Sorcery versions v0.6.1 and previous do not play nice with paper_trail due to a before_filter that paper_trail adds behind the scenes that calls 'current_user' a bit too early for sorcery. This issue might be solved by calling

    prepend_before_filter :require_login

instead of the usual

    before_filter :require_login

Though this hasn't been proven (please report success).

refinerycms or rails_admin

    # Gemfile  # works
    gem 'sorcery'
    gem 'refinerycms'
    gem 'rails_admin'

The 'sorcery' gem need to be placed BEFORE 'refinerycms' gem, otherwise it won't work.

under the hood, for example

    # Gemfile  # don't work in production mode
    gem 'refinerycms'
    gem 'sorcery'

when require 'refinerycms', it loads User model (I don't know how), which calls User.authenticates_with_sorcery!, but it's not ready (means user_config is not loaded). We need first require 'sorcery', which call ActionController::Base.send(:include, Sorcery::Controller), it prepares user_config for User.authenticates_with_sorcery!.


    # Gemfile  # works
    gem 'mongoid'
    gem 'sorcery'

The 'sorcery' gem need to be placed AFTER 'mongoid' gem, otherwise it could not work.


List of potential problems and suggested solutions are provided in RailsAdmin wiki